Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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We are going to Great Wolf Lodge in a couple of weeks after they open back up. I couldn’t turn down that 230 dollar room with 3 water park passes included. They said masks are required when walking around the hotel but are not required when inside the water park. They are operating at half capacity also so it should be an absolute blast.
I personally pay attention to the percentage of positive cases.. what's intriguing is the persentage of positive cases is rising in some of the states that have lowered testing. That tells me there's widespread transmission in communities that are not being tested. Not trying to stir the pot but that is worrisome we should see the percentage of positives going down with the number of tests being conducted but not all states are....all this can really make a man's head spin I personally think everyone should be tested symptoms or not to get a better data pool anyway what do I know haha

I just wish test results would be better reported with a date attached. For instance 4000 plus positive tests with a 30% positive rate were dumped into yesterday’s FL numbers that were something like a month old. I think it was a lab finally dumped results yesterday in Clarke county AL that wasn’t even being counted by ALDH until yesterday.

Personally I don’t pay much attention to the positive percentage whether good or bad because it can be skewed so easy.
I just wish test results would be better reported with a date attached. For instance 4000 plus positive tests with a 30% positive rate were dumped into yesterday’s FL numbers that were something like a month old. I think it was a lab finally dumped results yesterday in Clarke county AL that wasn’t even being counted by ALDH until yesterday.

Personally I don’t pay much attention to the positive percentage whether good or bad because it can be skewed so easy.

Current hospitalizations are my most important number I look at. If more people are positive but need less intense care then the positives are ok to look at but dont give us a good feel for the severity of current cases.
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We're testing less in part because a) that's what the Trump admin has always wanted (& this has been stated publicly by him that we need to "slow down the testing please") b) people are fatigued by the virus and likely don't feel like getting tested c) a certain, large subset of the population likes to make basically everything into some convoluted deep-state conspiracy theory and won't get tested because they won't don't want to believe the results and feel it's a waste of time. d) other "unknown" lurking variables

I find it really funny how the same people (like yourself) who were quick to brush aside rising numbers of cases and hospitalizations last month when testing rates increased, are the first to immediately buy into a slowdown when testing rates are clearly dropping. Whatever fits your personal agenda.
Thought we were suppose to keep politics out of this.
I just wish test results would be better reported with a date attached. For instance 4000 plus positive tests with a 30% positive rate were dumped into yesterday’s FL numbers that were something like a month old. I think it was a lab finally dumped results yesterday in Clarke county AL that wasn’t even being counted by ALDH until yesterday.

Personally I don’t pay much attention to the positive percentage whether good or bad because it can be skewed so easy.
I agree testing in this country is a complete failure but there's still valuable data there skewed or not it's still within margin of error look we can all discuss the systematics of all this blah blah blah but the bottom line is the Federal government has failed us....... More testing not less and we might have a better database and know what the hells truly going on.

Edit: Florida haha I can see that.....month old data.....Ron DeSantis what a joke
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Since I sort of egged it on a little bit, I'll bring it up again. I know some players in sports have already contracted myocarditis. There was a few football players and also a youngish MLB player.

What interests me much more are how many, by percentage, have contracted it after COVID? How does said percentage compare to other viruses? It does seem like there's a chance it's likely more common post-COVID, but it's not like myocarditis is new and refreshing news, when you contract other viruses, you run the risk of myocarditis as a complication after you're over those other viruses too.

I do wonder if the idea of running an echocardiogram 2 weeks after you've had the virus might not be enough time for some to show these problems.
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Since I sort of egged it on a little bit, I'll bring it up again. I know some players in sports have already contracted myocarditis. There was a few football players and also a youngish MLB player.

What interests me much more are how many, by percentage, have contracted it after COVID? How does said percentage compare to other viruses? It does seem like there's a chance it's likely more common post-COVID, but it's not like myocarditis is new and refreshing news, when you contract other viruses, you run the risk of myocarditis as a complication after you're over those other viruses too.

I do wonder if the idea of running an echocardiogram 2 weeks after you've tested negative twice might not be enough time for some to show these problems.
My current mood after reading the last 4 hours of comments in this thread.

BTW Did we ever settle the question on whether or not any professional or college athletes have died from this virus?

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My current mood after reading the last 4 hours of comments in this thread.

BTW Did we ever settle the question on whether or not any professional or college athletes have died from this virus?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would say no. If it was it would be on the front of every news and sports webpage..
I heard some rumblings on sports talk radio that the SEC and ACC are already equipped and have the resources to test for Myocarditis (because they already do this regularly during normal football seasons as part of their normal protocols) so that is a big reason why they are strongly leaning towards having their football seasons.
I heard some rumblings on sports talk radio that the SEC and ACC are already equipped and have the resources to test for Myocarditis (because they already do this regularly during normal football seasons as part of their normal protocols) so that is a big reason why they are strongly leaning towards having their football seasons.
Well good news for Vandy fans. They actually will have multiple uses for their paper bags they wear on their face this year. Lol
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