On a much worse wife got a call yesterday for a phone appointment with the local health department to do the contact tracing for her positive cover test that she got 2 WEEKS AGO......bit late to the party!
Bump.. I’m curious if anyone has heard anything that I’m missing out on.You good @GaWx ?
Bump.. I’m curious if anyone has heard anything that I’m missing out on.
Best to you and your brother sir! Glad to hear that you guys are on the mend. Prayers for y’all’s continued recovery!Thanks @Myfrotho704_ , @proud dad , @ontherocks , and others for showing your concern.
As @Shaggy mentioned, I’m doing much better even though it was pretty rough with the number one symptom being persistent exhausting fevers for most of the first 11 days. I don’t recall ever having as an adult anywhere near a one week+ long period of a relentless fever occurring and with regular dosages of Tylenol to boot! As we know, fever like this is a sign of a persistent and significant infection but is also a sign of an immune system putting up a good fight even though it makes one feel very fatigued. I’m fortunate that my immune system was strong enough to fight it.
Other symptoms were tiredness, a constant weird taste, no sense of smell, dry coughing that increased late, a few body aches, and the later development of some burning soarness with deep breaths (like what one feels when breathing hard in cold temps). All symptoms have improved markedly (including no more fever) except that I still don’t have much of my sense of smell back yet. I was able to tolerate exercise walks the prior two evenings though at half the normal distance to keep me from overdoing it too early out of caution.
I should add that my presumed Covid+ brother (much higher risk) also recovered successfully, thank heavens! I was much more concerned about him due to his higher risk. But even he got past this nasty disease! He got symptoms about 9 days earlier than me and he recovered about 9 days earlier, too. So, our durations of symptoms were similar.
So good to hear you are on the mend! Praying for a full recovery for you both!Thanks @Myfrotho704_ , @proud dad , @ontherocks , and others for showing your concern.
As @Shaggy mentioned, I’m doing much better even though it was pretty rough with the number one symptom being persistent exhausting fevers for most of the first 11 days. I don’t recall ever having as an adult anywhere near a one week+ long period of a relentless fever occurring and with regular dosages of Tylenol to boot! As we know, fever like this is a sign of a persistent and significant infection but is also a sign of an immune system putting up a good fight even though it makes one feel very fatigued. I’m fortunate that my immune system was strong enough to fight it.
Other symptoms were tiredness, a constant weird taste, no sense of smell, significantly reduced appetite resulting in 10 lb weight loss, dry cough that increased late, a few body aches, and the later development of some burning soarness with deep breaths (like what one feels when breathing hard in cold temps). All symptoms have improved markedly (including no more fever) except that I still don’t have much of my sense of smell back yet. I was able to tolerate exercise walks the prior two evenings though at half the normal distance to keep me from overdoing it too early out of caution.
I should add that my presumed Covid+ brother (much higher risk) also recovered successfully, thank heavens! I was much more concerned about him due to his higher risk. But even he got past this nasty disease! He got symptoms about 9 days earlier than me and he recovered about 9 days earlier, too. So, our durations of symptoms were similar.
Very very good news.![]()
Nursing Homes Are Seeing COVID-19 Cases Drop Due To Vaccines, Federal Officials Say
“These are really good vaccines, and we are seeing them take effect, which is wonderful,” said one
Were way on our way. Should be in a month or two. Especially with the J&J expected to get approved around the end of the month. That will really help us a lot as J&J is one-dose instead of two.Need to pump that to 2.5+. Knock this Bleep per Brick out by april
As if a Bat wasn't enough, somebody had to go and do this?? You'd think they would have learned something in 2020...![]()
NC lab identifies state’s first case of Denmark ‘Cluster Five’ variant largely linked to minks
MAKO Medical Labs have identified North Carolina’s first case of the Denmark “Cluster Five” variant, which has been largely found in
Got to make sure we have something new to worry about. Hard to argue with our curves now.Yet as it is surging our numbers are crashing? Am I missing something here?
Been the new flavor of scare since the 'UK Variant reported in xx State'. Pump the Variants!Got to make sure we have something new to worry about. Hard to argue with our curves now.
Yep, so let’s get teachers vaccinated!We have to get kids back in schools all across this country. Now.
Kids will be behind big-time. In normal times approx 50% are behind as is.We have to get kids back in schools all across this country. Now.
Not to mention the social impacts and the fact that this is incredibly psychologically damaging to kids.Kids will be behind big-time. In normal times approx 50% are behind as is.