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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Today I will bury a church member who died from COVID.

His story is interesting. He and his wife have not left their home since March, except to go to regular doctor visits. Otherwise, their adult children have looked after them, going grocery shopping, etc, etc. The children are the only ones who have been in the home and they always wear masks when in the home. One of the children tested positive for COVID in mid November--and so did this man.

He had very mild symptoms, but at the two week mark he developed difficulty breathing. He spent a few days in the hospital but he did not have pneumonia--the only problem was low oxygen levels. He was sent home with a steroid, which he finished taking one week ago today. On Monday he felt 100 percent healthy. By Wednesday morning he was gravely ill and by the time they got him to the hospital they discovered he had double pneumonia. He also still tested positive for COVD--one full month after his first postive result. He died Thursday night separated from his family.

I share this mainly for your information. Perhaps it will help you if you have a loved one who experiences something similar. Don't assume they are completely over it--especially if they remain on steroids and get them to the hospital immediately when they show any kind of symptoms at all.
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Today I will bury a church member who died from COVID.

His story is interesting. He and his wife have not left their home since March, except to go to regular doctor visits. Otherwise, their adult children have looked after them, going grocery shopping, etc, etc. The children are the only ones who have been in the home and they always wear masks when in the home. One of the children tested positive for COVID in mid November--and so did this man.

He had very mild symptoms, but at the two week mark he developed difficulty breathing. He spent a few days in the hospital but he did not have pneumonia--the only problem was low oxygen levels. He was sent home with a steroid, which he finished taking one week ago today. On Monday he felt 100 percent healthy. By Wednesday morning he was gravely ill and by the time they got him to the hospital they discovered he had double pneumonia. He also still tested positive for COVD--one full month after his first postive result. He died Thursday night separated from his family.

I share this mainly for your information. Perhaps it will help you if you have a loved one who experiences something similar. Don't assume they are completely over it--especially if they remain on steroids and get them to the hospital immediately when they show any kind of symptoms at all.


Silent Hypoxia in the setting of Covid-19. Classic presentation in many people that end up dying. By the time you have noticeable breathing issues, your pneumonia is already too bad off (usually bilateral,etc among other secondary complications)...People with substantial hypoxia (with pulse oximetry spO2% in the 60s and 70s) will find they have no issues with breathing, which baffles doctors.

People who are diagnosed with covid and managed at home, especially the elderly, should have a pulse ox handy and not wait to seek help.
Neighbors tested positive for covid a few days ago. They are in late 50s. Son in 20s lives with them still going to work every day. To top it off the grandma (assuming in 80s) who lives in a nursing home stopped by today to visit. Some people are just so stupid.
So I have an interesting decision to make. We were planning to get together with my sister and her husband for a few hours this upcoming Saturday, the 19th, to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts. I found out recently they came down with "cold like" symptoms of sore throat, stuffy nose, and a cough on December 4th. They didn't have any fever, aches, loss of taste or smell so they're convinced they didn't have covid and won't get tested. When we get together it will be 15 days since their first initial symptoms (they seem to be symptom free now). Per the CDC guidelines, they are safe to be around others 10 days since symptoms first appeared and 24 hours without fever. Thoughts? Could they still be contagious 15 days after the first initial symptoms appeared even though they are symptom free now?
So I have an interesting decision to make. We were planning to get together with my sister and her husband for a few hours this upcoming Saturday, the 19th, to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts. I found out recently they came down with "cold like" symptoms of sore throat, stuffy nose, and a cough on December 4th. They didn't have any fever, aches, loss of taste or smell so they're convinced they didn't have covid and won't get tested. When we get together it will be 15 days since their first initial symptoms (they seem to be symptom free now). Per the CDC guidelines, they are safe to be around others 10 days since symptoms first appeared and 24 hours without fever. Thoughts? Could they still be contagious 15 days after the first initial symptoms appeared even though they are symptom free now?
I would still get together, but that's just me. However, if they experience any sort of symptoms in the next few days, I might change my mind.
I'm a bit late on this, but congrats to the German Biontech company (who Pfizer partnered with), on creating what I think will be the first modern vaccine in less than the typical 3-5 year period that I think will mostly be safe to take. That shows that we continue to make leaps in science and this news should be cheered on.

(I know I said I likely won't be taking this specific vaccine, but I still consider this to be great news)

(**yes, this is sort of an indirect response to we're seeing America at its finest with this vaccine getting emergency approval within a year)
@metwannabe I hear that argument of protecting the most vulnerable alot. Exactly how do we do this? My wifes work is like entering a prison temp, symptoms check a 40 question quiz on where theyve been IE large gatherings and so on.

They have largely failed because of so much community infection. The best defense is a good offense in this case. Fewer cases in the general public means less people that can slip in and infect the vulnerable.

This article highlights my position on how to protect the vulnerable and how widespread community infection makes that so much harder.

So I have an interesting decision to make. We were planning to get together with my sister and her husband for a few hours this upcoming Saturday, the 19th, to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts. I found out recently they came down with "cold like" symptoms of sore throat, stuffy nose, and a cough on December 4th. They didn't have any fever, aches, loss of taste or smell so they're convinced they didn't have covid and won't get tested. When we get together it will be 15 days since their first initial symptoms (they seem to be symptom free now). Per the CDC guidelines, they are safe to be around others 10 days since symptoms first appeared and 24 hours without fever. Thoughts? Could they still be contagious 15 days after the first initial symptoms appeared even though they are symptom free now?

The man who just died was still testing positive for COVID thirty days after he first tested positive. My mother in law also tested positive for over a month. I know there are conflicting views, but I think the CDC guidance that is bolded above is not always accurate.
The man who just died was still testing positive for COVID thirty days after he first tested positive. My mother in law also tested positive for over a month. I know there are conflicting views, but I think the CDC guidance that is bolded above is not always accurate.

Yeah that’s what has me conflicted, I’ve seen some reports of people testing positive weeks after being without symptoms or after initially contracting it. Kinda 50/50 on this right now, especially since my parents are planning to go and they’re in the higher risk category.
I am so ready for the vaccine to be rolled out and for school to get back to normal. My daughter is falling way behind in math, and it is so much harder to get both my kids to do their work than it was when they were actually in school. It feels like they have more work than actual instruction time now, and it's just harder for them to "get it" compared to when they were in the classroom. Part of me thinks it would be better if none of the grades counted this year and everyone just repeated the year. I can see high school kids doing okay with remote learning, but it's been awful for elementary and middle school kids.

I just don't think they are motivated to do the work the same as if they were in school. They are getting all the work from school without any of the things they like about school, like seeing their friends, playing, extracurricular activities, and such. Also, it's just harder for them and a lot of others to understand the work without face to face instruction, so that makes them want to do it even less.
Isn’t it possible to test positive while not being contagious? Definitely seems a bit iffy to me, though, snowlover91.
Isn’t it possible to test positive while not being contagious? Definitely seems a bit iffy to me, though, snowlover91.
Yes. My Daughter manages a private lab here in Alabama that only does PCR testing. A business and four Doctors opened this lab. Since PCR testing actually uses a patients DNA to find the virus and is very precise, it is very possible to test positive for the virus even though you are no longer showing symptoms or contagious.
I am so ready for the vaccine to be rolled out and for school to get back to normal. My daughter is falling way behind in math, and it is so much harder to get both my kids to do their work than it was when they were actually in school. It feels like they have more work than actual instruction time now, and it's just harder for them to "get it" compared to when they were in the classroom. Part of me thinks it would be better if none of the grades counted this year and everyone just repeated the year. I can see high school kids doing okay with remote learning, but it's been awful for elementary and middle school kids.

I just don't think they are motivated to do the work the same as if they were in school. They are getting all the work from school without any of the things they like about school, like seeing their friends, playing, extracurricular activities, and such. Also, it's just harder for them and a lot of others to understand the work without face to face instruction, so that makes them want to do it even less.
My wife is a teacher and said the digital learning kids that have started coming back are way behind the others. Some kids can handle it but most can’t.
I feel like with people not wanting it there will be a surplus but it’s restricted not to give to just anyone. Whenever they run out of room, I wonder if it’s destroyed or can anyone get it at say health department etc. I feel like they will be too much vaccine at the wrong places lol.
My employer already said they will have it for me before the average Joe can walk into cvs and get it.
Emory told us in an email that they're not even sure that they have enough for those working at the hospital, so it's not likely I'll be among the first to be vaccinated. School of medicine thinks they'll get students in clinical vaccinated some time in early 2021.
My employer already said they will have it for me before the average Joe can walk into cvs and get it.

Lol. I think the non medical “essential workers” will get it maybe days before the masses. I don’t think the priority will be that far ahead (for example the difference in the queue between HCP vs general public)

CVS is heavily partnered with the Covid-19 vaccine effort for LTC facilities. They’ll make sure they have it quickly for the general public, I guarantee that. It’s big money.

Healthcare workers are starting to get it this week in NC. Won’t be long.
Hope all the naysayers,MSM enjoyed the humble pie being served up this week as vaccines where being administered. Amazing what gets accomplished when a govt acts responsibly, gets out of the way by cutting red tape and promotes private sector innovation through shared communication etc. Another promise delivered on.
Isn’t it possible to test positive while not being contagious? Definitely seems a bit iffy to me, though, snowlover91.
Yes. Cdc says you will/can test posotive up to 3 months after initial infection. NCAA following their guidelines states a player who test pos, doesnt need to get tested for 3 months after they return because of this.
Did the AMA walk back their anti-hydroxychloroquin position?
Hope all the naysayers,MSM enjoyed the humble pie being served up this week as vaccines where being administered. Amazing what gets accomplished when a govt acts responsibly, gets out of the way by cutting red tape and promotes private sector innovation through shared communication etc. Another promise delivered on.

I think Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" deserves mucho kudos for the vaccines being ready so fast. Do all of the folks who aren't Trump fans here agree with me? If not, please tell me why. For those who don't know, I'm not a Trump fan and don't like him at all. But I'm not afraid to give credit where I think credit is due. In other words, I'm not giving him kudos due to bias for him.
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