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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Can you please edit your post and try to be a little nicer to him?

There is absolutely, positively zero reason to be nice to someone who decides to completely ignore every shred of evidence and everyday common sense that says wearing masks reduces (doesn't eliminate) your risk of catching covid-19 or any other disease really, just as much as washing your hands and social distancing also reduces, but doesn't eliminate the risk of getting covid, the common cold, etc.

This isn't rocket science or a difficult concept to understand, if you choose to not take these measures to protect yourself out in public, you are in fact an idiot and you're going to get exactly what's coming to you.
Well since this dead virus can live in kids hair for weeks plus having exchange students from China it would be a recipe for disaster. My nephews had to cut all their hair off after testing positive. Those who don’t want vaccine should prob home school at least.
Fake news or does it have any legs?

That is one incredibly biased article. Yahoo news and the AJC are very left of center. Hospitalizations were not rising and case loads were well within the ability of current capacity. Kemp doesn’t follow the stay at home until nobody gets the virus ever again playbook. He took a very balanced approach, and things are looking brighter for Georgia!
I'm all for reopening. I know I have several sick family members but they are okay at home regardless if others want to get out. I think the focus should shift to making school buses and classrooms safer before this Fall.
That is one incredibly biased article. Yahoo news and the AJC are very left of center. Hospitalizations were not rising and case loads were well within the ability of current capacity. Kemp doesn’t follow the stay at home until nobody gets the virus ever again playbook. He took a very balanced approach, and things are looking brighter for Georgia!
I figure it's worth asking ...
That is one incredibly biased article. Yahoo news and the AJC are very left of center. Hospitalizations were not rising and case loads were well within the ability of current capacity. Kemp doesn’t follow the stay at home until nobody gets the virus ever again playbook. He took a very balanced approach, and things are looking brighter for Georgia!

It's overly biased because it was originally an opinion piece.
Bias is one thing. Outright false information is another. Were they really playing the data to make it look like they were declining? Very simple question.
That's all I was asking ... in my line of work, I've seen that on the corporate side more times than I can remember ... and again, I asked, fake news or any truth to it ...
did not intend a firestorm, btw ... just intellectual curiosity ... :eek:
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Let's hope it's fake news.
That is kind of old news and they were outed early to mid last week. The DPH admitted so and I believe it has been corrected. Even after they changed things it is clear the numbers are not going up. At worst they have plateaued and we do have the capacity.

Also, Georgia is nowhere near back to normal. We do have more options than we had but things are still a shadow of their former self. Most people are still very cautious and acting as they did while the SIP was in effect. This is likely why the numbers are looking better.
That is kind of old news and they were outed early to mid last week. The DPH admitted so and I believe it has been corrected. Even after they changed things it is clear the numbers are not going up. At worst they have plateaued and we do have the capacity.

Also, Georgia is nowhere near back to normal. We do have more options than we had but things are still a shadow of their former self. Most people are still very cautious and acting as they did while the SIP was in effect. This is likely why the numbers are looking better.
This is correct. I was just going to say, unfortunately the mistake or “mistake” was not fake news. DPH stated it occurred and they corrected. Why it happened in the first place though is concerning, even if intentionality didn’t play a role. There is so much we don’t know yet it would feel better if we could at least add the known data properly......
That's all I was asking ... in my line of work, I've seen that on the corporate side more times than I can remember ... and again, I asked, fake news or any truth to it ...
did not intend a firestorm, btw ... just intellectual curiosity ... :eek:
My thumbs down was more for the slanted nature of the opinion piece than the intellectual curiosity. On its best day the AJC is a fish wrapper and the LA times, well......
My thumbs down was more for the slanted nature of the opinion piece than the intellectual curiosity. On its best day the AJC is a fish wrapper and the LA times, well......
Dude, I give up; ask a simple question that is genuine and get poop for doing so ... ?
Today was the lowest US nationwide death tally since March 30th (786). It’s important to remember Mondays tend to be the lowest reporting days, but today was still lower than every other Monday since the end of March.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, though, and Tuesdays are typically bad after the weekend backlog, so expect a big increase tomorrow.
Riddle me this. So while we had SIP orders people were pretty much out doing who knows what. Literally as soon as we lift these orders last week it's like a ghost town at times. Seems after 4 PM the streets empty like theres a curfew or something. It's very odd and my curiosity is piqued as to the reason and mindset behind this.


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