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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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Yes I’ve been reminded fairly frequently that it’s early and I 110% agree with your post.

There’s also too much under confidence washing around from my perspective, so honestly it just depends on what side of the spectrum you choose to be on. We are in a bad situation and riding a fine line between comfort and panic. Maybe I’m an optimist, but I’m on the right side of the trend line. No reason to panic...just prepare.

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Couldn't agree more. Nobody should be panicking in the US right now. Preparing is the right course. However, I'm afraid that a lot of people are going to be apathetic about it and then when deaths and community outbreaks start showing up here, everyone is going to try and do the same things at the same time, which is going to lead to a period of chaos.

That could be avoided, or at least mitigated to a degree, with a measured approach now. But people inherently avoid contemplating negative outcomes because it disturbs their sense that a thing can't happen because they've never experienced it. And most certainly, those with the microphone are not going to be preemptively encouraging action. It'll be a mad scramble when things start to really show up here, regardless of the reality of how bad/virulent the actual night is.
My takeaway is while that may be comforting to us who are younger and healthier, a highly contagious bug such as this is capable of, and likely will, infect a greater percentage of that at-risk group, likely resulting in a worse situation than the regular flu...assuming we are as bad at containing the outbreak as I think we will be. I, for one, find that to be quite disconcerting, even though I am young and healthy.

I'd also like to continue to point out that we still only have a few weeks of reliable data around this virus. There are a lot of TBDs still pinned up on the board. I'm not saying we're all gonna die, but there is still too much overconfidence washing around, IMO.
There's too much over hype and panic too, certainly one should be prepared, monitor the status but to think the worse will occur is no better than saying it will be gone by April. Lot of assumptions both ways considering there is still tons of information yet to be gathered.
Couldn't agree more. Nobody should be panicking in the US right now. Preparing is the right course. However, I'm afraid that a lot of people are going to be apathetic about it and then when deaths and community outbreaks start showing up here, everyone is going to try and do the same things at the same time, which is going to lead to a period of chaos.

That could be avoided, or at least mitigated to a degree, with a measured approach now. But people inherently avoid contemplating negative outcomes because it disturbs their sense that a thing can't happen because they've never experienced it. And most certainly, those with the microphone are not going to be preemptively encouraging action. It'll be a mad scramble when things start to really show up here, regardless of the reality of how bad/virulent the actual night is.
So specifically what actions need to be taken?
So specifically what actions need to be taken?
Take a deep breath; it's like hurricane season prep; buy in small increments and stock up over a few weeks, but don't raid the shelves ... Son in Tokyo says that the initial fear is what put them over the edge on the supply side ... and if you're as redneck as I, remember how to shoot, skin and cook (JK) ...
Take a deep breath; it's like hurricane season prep; buy in small increments and stock up over a few weeks, but don't raid the shelves ... Son in Tokyo says that the initial fear is what put them over the edge on the supply side ... and if you're as redneck as I, remember how to shoot, skin and cook (JK) ...
You telling me to take a breath? I'm fine, not worried, always prepared for the unexpected.... seems biggest prep is to avoid crowds, especially if you have a weakened immune system or overly susceptible to sickness
You telling me to take a breath? I'm fine, not worried, always prepared for the unexpected.... seems biggest prep is to avoid crowds, especially if you have a weakened immune system or overly susceptible to sickness
Not telling you to take a breath ... a general bit of advice to anyone who will listen ... stress and worry will lower your immunity, and if elevated can kill you outright (universal "you") ...
Not telling you to take a breath ... a general bit of advice to anyone who will listen ... stress and worry will lower your immunity, and if elevated can kill you outright (universal "you") ...
Ohhhh..... gotcha and agree.
There's too much over hype and panic too, certainly one should be prepared, monitor the status but to think the worse will occur is no better than saying it will be gone by April. Lot of assumptions both ways considering there is still tons of information yet to be gathered.
Yeah there is. There is just as much fear-mongering as there is nothingburgering. We don't know a lot of what would be really good to know. And we won't for a while. Uncertainty should drive action. Not panic, but action. I guess that relates to your subsequent question, which I'll get back to. It's dinner time rn lol. Parents are in and leaving about 5:30. I'll hit you back later.
So specifically what actions need to be taken?
There's a lot of preparedness info here:
"Adding to the concern, officials said approximately 27 of 108 residents and 25 of 180 staff have some kind of symptoms and are being tested."

The head of Civil Protection indicated that 38% of sick people are hospitalized and 10% in intensive care, while the remaining 52% recover in home isolation.I
Who here likes those odds?

The Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia will perform at home the coronavirus test to those citizens who have symptoms with a mild picture and have asked patients on Saturday that, if they are not serious, they do not go to the hospitals .
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Yeah there is. There is just as much fear-mongering as there is nothingburgering. We don't know a lot of what would be really good to know. And we won't for a while. Uncertainty should drive action. Not panic, but action. I guess that relates to your subsequent question, which I'll get back to. It's dinner time rn lol. Parents are in and leaving about 5:30. I'll hit you back later.
Just don't make it a TLDR post, I have attention deficit issues ?
What the heck? If it is just the flu, why would you declare a state of emergency for that? Is there something we are not being told? I am confused....

What if the flu was a new outbreak? What we are seeing would be the same. Now you say flu and people just say yea it’s that time of season. This virus is no different, it’s just new. The flu kills more and infects more. I have google as well.

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There's a lot of preparedness info here:
Thanks, but I wasn't actually requesting the info but more or less engaging RC on his comments.
What if the flu was a new outbreak? What we are seeing would be the same. Now you say flu and people just say yea it’s that time of season. This virus is no different, it’s just new. The flu kills more and infects more. I have google as well.

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I would agree with you if it were not for the fact that it just brought an entire nation (China) to its knees and this thing is just getting started. Now granted, we are better prepared, but I don't think all the hype is just because it's a new virus.
What if the flu was a new outbreak? What we are seeing would be the same. Now you say flu and people just say yea it’s that time of season. This virus is no different, it’s just new. The flu kills more and infects more. I have google as well.

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The death rate as a % is way higher than the flu which is what is concerning people.
That’s the issue, we have no real cure/antiviral vs Kung flu coronabug, only thing to stop it’s spread is us humans right now/quarantine, most make it fine and get over it, but 2% is quite elevated for a respiratory illness, it’s more lethal to the elderly, and there’s many things we don’t know about this virus, in my opinion it’s similar to Aussie influenza or H3N2 (maybe quite worse) that type of flu (type A) is typically more severe and causes more hospitalizations, although it seems like coronavirus causes pneumonia easier
ATM novel coronavirus is 10-20 times more deadly than regular influenza
That’s the issue, we have no real cure/antiviral vs Kung flu coronabug, only thing to stop it’s spread is us humans right now/quarantine, most make it fine and get over it, but 2% is quite elevated for a respiratory illness, it’s more lethal to the elderly, and there’s many things we don’t know about this virus, in my opinion it’s similar to Aussie influenza or H3N2 (maybe quite worse) that type of flu (type A) is typically more severe and causes more hospitalizations, although it seems like coronavirus causes pneumonia easier
ATM novel coronavirus is 10-20 times more deadly than regular influenza

Bi-phasic possibilities are rising as it appears theres been several cases of dormancy followed by renewed illness weeks later. Not sure if the patients are contagious the 2nd time around or not.
This is just getting started and places like this will be hit hard and see many deaths....lets say the kill rate across the board is say .3% and then lets just say that 1/3rd of Americans are exposed by the end of this year.... that 110 million people......1/3 of a percent would be 350k dead from this virus by the end of the year. In a bad year the flu kills 50-60k....

At a nursing facility in Kirkland, Wash, approximately 27 of the 108 residents and 25 of the 180 staff have some symptoms, health officials said during a teleconference with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Authorities report that some among them have pneumonia.
Flu doesn't have that election year umph the American leftwing media is looking for
I still don't get the political tie...... I know that this is an election year, but let's look at the facts. This thing originated in a foreign country. The Chinese government did their best to cover it up and hide the origin of the virus as well as the infection/death numbers. Now, if it was just a simple new virus that has less effects than the flu, the American people would have never heard a single thing about it and life would have continued as normal. China would not have sacrificed their entire economy and manufacturing reputation over some political battle in the US. Once again, in my opinion, this is not political.
I want that fcker to give me lotto numbers. Seriously. 39 years ago he wrote that and it “just happened” to occur in Wuhan? That’s some next level Nostradamus ish.

While still cool, I've read in other websites that the original copy of the book had the virus from the Soviet Union and it was changed to China and Wuhan in the early 90's. Still a little eerie.
Nowhere did I say all the info from that site was correct. From now on I will not post anything from his site. What sources are approved for this forum? I had dropped it yet my article was deleted but yet some here continue to post gifs about him and not deleted. It’s a two way street. People can say Trump is manipulating the stock market yet no one provides proof. What about all the lies that main news sources ran about the Russian probe that we’re unfounded. I am here to have conversations and pass along articles I find interesting. We can agree to disagree. This is not a political thread yet I am being attacked because I posted an article from a source that is fake. Which Really what source is fully believable. If it makes this forum for me to leave I will gladly bow out.
If someone posted an article from "Weekly World News" everyone would be quick to say that it is not a reputable news outlet because it is known as a tabloid. No one is attacking you personally. Folks just want to make sure that what they are reading is factual.
I still don't get the political tie...... I know that this is an election year, but let's look at the facts. This thing originated in a foreign country. The Chinese government did their best to cover it up and hide the origin of the virus as well as the infection/death numbers. Now, if it was just a simple new virus that has less effects than the flu, the American people would have never heard a single thing about it and life would have continued as normal. China would not have sacrificed their entire economy and manufacturing reputation over some political battle in the US. Once again, in my opinion, this is not political.

Not referring to the virus per se, but the panic? Like Dr. Drew said, the media needs to shut the hell up. And YES there are plenty of people who have zero problems making this political to try and tie Trump to it negatively
Ok guys cut it out, I'm about to delete a ton of post. We've ask over and over to keep the political, right/left stuff out of this thread and debate it in the political thread. Also a couple of you are toeing the personal attack line and are about to get a break from this thread for a couple days.
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Nowhere did I say all the info from that site was correct. From now on I will not post anything from his site. What sources are approved for this forum? I had dropped it yet my article was deleted but yet some here continue to post gifs about him and not deleted. It’s a two way street. People can say Trump is manipulating the stock market yet no one provides proof. What about all the lies that main news sources ran about the Russian probe that we’re unfounded. I am here to have conversations and pass along articles I find interesting. We can agree to disagree. This is not a political thread yet I am being attacked because I posted an article from a source that is fake. Which Really what source is fully believable. If it makes this forum for me to leave I will gladly bow out.
You do realize the moderators and administrators are volunteers right? We can't be here for every single post, can't read every single post so some stuff gets deleted while others get missed....its not personal. Just move on, please.
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