The Tyson plant in Wilkesboro does their daily temperature checks in this little guard shack with people crammed in side by side. I wish the media would document the process I bet health experts would be FLOORED.
PeOpLe WiLl bE sCaReD tO bE bAcK iN tHe PuBlIc!!!
So many new cases despite social distancing ? Im confused ?Not only is it the deadliest day, but by my count today has been one of the highest for reported new cases—some 400 today.
Coronavirus in NC - April 17 updates
Here are the latest updates on the impact of the coronavirus outbreak in North Carolina and across the
So many new cases despite social distancing ? Im confused ?
So many new cases despite social distancing ? Im confused ?
Great news. Bring on the heat and humidity.
Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer
Preliminary results from government lab experiments show that the coronavirus does not survive long under high-temperature, high-humidity conditions, and is quickly destroyed by sunlight, providing evidence from controlled tests of what scientists believed — but had not yet proved — to be
When we open things up and all get back together, we're going to be right where we were before this thing took off...maybe a little farther along since more people have the virus now. Opening back up seems like shutting down in the first place was dumb. I don't know.
When we open things up and all get back together, we're going to be right where we were before this thing took off...maybe a little farther along since more people have the virus now. Opening back up seems like shutting down in the first place was dumb. I don't know.
When we open things up and all get back together, we're going to be right where we were before this thing took off...maybe a little farther along since more people have the virus now. Opening back up seems like shutting down in the first place was dumb. I don't know.
I've got one. It's hot. But it works.Yay on the day Texas announces a reopening they finally are making us wear a mask at work![]()
I haven't worn one yet and not looking forward to it
I would think society will change there social behaviors when things open back up. Who is going to go hop on a to a foreign country...pack into a stadium/arena. Not sure what normal will even be. For the past few weeks folks in my neighborhood did a good job of staying isolated.
Past few day’s you see more kids playing together, more neighbors hanging out.
I would think society will change there social behaviors when things open back up. Who is going to go hop on a to a foreign country...pack into a stadium/arena. Not sure what normal will even be. For the past few weeks folks in my neighborhood did a good job of staying isolated.
Past few day’s you see more kids playing together, more neighbors hanging out.
Why wait until now ? Shouldnt that have been done a long time ago ?Yay on the day Texas announces a reopening they finally are making us wear a mask at work
I haven't worn one yet and not looking forward to it
I don't see why outdoor sports can't resume this summer since its been shown that the virus hates sunlight. Just play all the games during the day. The Rays and a couple other teams might need to change venues since they play indoors.I can’t wait to take another cruise I was on one of the last one in mid Feb on Norwegian. At that point anyone who had visited China Was not permitted to board. They checked all passports.
I’m also ready to go see a baseball game, visit GA aquarium and zoo Atlanta again. Open her back up and let the chips fall where they aregoing to fall. Screw it.
Why wait until now ? Shouldnt that have been done a long time ago ?
I don’t even think New York has really exceeded hospital vapidity from what I’ve been able to gather.In N.C., we have come nowhere close to exceeding our hospital capacity, and I think that is the norm with the exception of NY and maybe a few others. It seems to me that we can afford to lessen at least the harshest restrictions, but then again I’m not an expert.
NC reported 530 new cases yesterday. That is by far the largest one day increase.
I bet you once things start to reopen, it won't take long before people start gathering vigorously, if they're allowed to. I think the social distancing good hygiene habits may last a little while, but our culture is our culture. We'll be back to socializing bigtime as soon as we're allowed, unless everyone is afraid of death. And I don't think that's going to be the case.I would think society will change there social behaviors when things open back up. Who is going to go hop on a to a foreign country...pack into a stadium/arena. Not sure what normal will even be. For the past few weeks folks in my neighborhood did a good job of staying isolated.
Past few day’s you see more kids playing together, more neighbors hanging out.
I bet you once things start to reopen, it won't take long before people start gathering vigorously, if they're allowed to. I think the social distancing good hygiene habits may last a little while, but our culture is our culture. We'll be back to socializing bigtime as soon as we're allowed, unless everyone is afraid of death. And I don't think that's going to be the case.
Funny how they don't experience various technical glitches collecting money.Here's an informative article from the Washington Post today discussing the various technical glitches that the IRS is experiencing in disbursing the stimulus checks: