Possible start of a good trend, Larry, if it's not the result of weekend reporting (which I pray is not the case), and more importantly, ii) if folks don't get complacent and decide the light is "green" ... ? ? ?GA increases at noon today vs 7PM yesterday: possible good trend developing??
# of cases: 264 (+4.1%)
# of hospitalizations: 17 (+1.3%)
# of deaths: 3 (+1.4%)
# tested: 1,938 (+5.8%)
As serious as I think Coronavirus is, this is a valid point and is worthy of discussion. Especially since it’s looking more and more likely that this thing started way back in November and possibly even sooner than that.Comments?
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Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.www.worldometers.info
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Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.www.worldometers.info
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President sounds hopeful after 2 weeks we be in clear maybe? Or at least recovery
Just started for Covid19. This is comparing a full year of the others to the just the beginning of Covid19.Comments?
Worldometer - real time world statistics
Live world statistics on population, government and economics, society and media, environment, food, water, energy and health.www.worldometers.info
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Yeah, I mean by that kind of apples to oranges logic we could say, “Oh, 58k US military deaths over 10 years in Vietnam is no big deal! Lots more people per year die per year of the flu than died per year in Vietnam! Vietnam wasn’t so bad!”I personally can't stand people saying stuff like, "Oh, but look at annual flu deaths!". It's apples to oranges, people. You're talking about comparing a new virus that is just now beginning to make it's debut in the general population with a long timer illness that has afflicted the people for decades and is now well established? I think a more accurate comparison would be to look at the worst daily death toll from the flu this past season compared with the worst day of COVID-19. And even here, it has to be stressed that this new virus hasn't yet realized it's full devastating potential. Hopefully our current distancing measures can still mitigate that. It seems that those who make such assertions are trying to advocate to "return everything to normal life". But if we do that, then we'll really see the brutal effects of the virus.
More info on the tiger that got infected with COVID-19.
Also, think about what flu deaths, hospitalizations etc would be without a vaccineI personally can't stand people saying stuff like, "Oh, but look at annual flu deaths!". It's apples to oranges, people. You're talking about comparing a new virus that is just now beginning to make it's debut in the general population with a long timer illness that has afflicted the people for decades and is now well established? I think a more accurate comparison would be to look at the worst daily death toll from the flu this past season compared with the worst day of COVID-19. And even here, it has to be stressed that this new virus hasn't yet realized it's full devastating potential. Hopefully our current distancing measures can still mitigate that. It seems that those who make such assertions are trying to advocate to "return everything to normal life". But if we do that, then we'll really see the brutal effects of the virus.
The old data IHME prediction for April 5th for AL, 46 deaths with a lo-hi range of 36-54, actual deaths for today, 1.
thats what I’m afraid of.This week is going to be horrific. All of those cases we added last week are coming home to roost. I fear we see 10-30k dead just this week in the US.
weekend numbers are not something I’m taking at face value. Pretty sure we see the catch up from this weekend tomorrow.
Yeah, the next week or two (at least) are going to be bad. That's baked in at this point. We're going to be well above 1,000 cases per day, probably exceeding 2,000 at some point (and maybe even higher).This week is going to be horrific. All of those cases we added last week are coming home to roost. I fear we see 10-30k dead just this week in the US.
weekend numbers are not something I’m taking at face value. Pretty sure we see the catch up from this weekend tomorrow.
Maybe we need a separate thread for COVID conspiracy theories. But this one take the cake so far.
Model was updated today!
IHME | COVID-19 Projections
Explore forecasts of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospital resource use.covid19.healthdata.org
Looks like Covid-19 deaths peak in NC in 9 days (vs 16 days yesterday) and the daily deaths drop to ~3 April 29th (was June 4th)...major update and saved a months time. Social distancing is working.
Also warmer weather could be helping. Deaths would lag benefits of warmer weather, and since testing isn’t available, hospitalizations as well.
My friends that work in hospitals around the state mention that it’s actually slow right now, and it’s only packed and crazy at big city hospitals such as NYC.
I hope it is right. It still as a lot of deaths in Georgia but the peak is sooner and the hospital peak is much less steep than it was.Model was updated today!
IHME | COVID-19 Projections
Explore forecasts of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospital resource use.covid19.healthdata.org
Looks like Covid-19 deaths peak in NC in 9 days (vs 16 days yesterday) and the daily deaths drop to ~3 April 29th (was June 4th)...major update and saved a months time. Social distancing is working.
Also warmer weather could be helping. Deaths would lag benefits of warmer weather, and since testing isn’t available, hospitalizations as well.
My friends that work in hospitals around the state mention that it’s actually slow right now, and it’s only packed and crazy at big city hospitals such as NYC.