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Coronavirus (Stay on Topic)

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That's the wrong way to look at it though, we need to know who has it as much as we can to isolate these people, those people infected without symptoms are out spreading it to others and never knowing it, these are the people that are fueling the pandemic.
Oh I absolutely agree, I’m just thinking that may be some people’s thinking.
So, I don't have any sources but from what I heard on the radio the City of Philadelphia is not going to arrest or incarcerate people who are accused of robbery, looting, or pretty much any crime that isn't "endangering" other people. If that's true then those are some scary protocols being put into place. Crime is about to get out of control.
The thing that concerns me most is that the Health Department told us that so long as the child was asymptomatic that there is no concern. That flies in the face of everything I have read about COVID-19. In fact, they really did not want us to notify our parents/staff. I'm not making this up. Now, ask yourself this question: how many childcare centers have received the same advice? The advice came from a nurse with the HD attached to the COVID-19 NC hotline.

This proves to me that my original idea, that they don't care if the virus spreads and that the lack of testing was not because of being inept but instead because they didn't want to, is correct.
Forgive my ignorance, but I haven't been able to find a clear answer. I assume the check would cover people who are working. I am on Social Security and not working for now. I have assumed the xmcheck would cover workers only since jobs might be lost or hours reduced. Anybody know? Thanks!

There's nothing certain yet; the House & Senate are trying to compromise on several competing proposals. The last I saw, they may have a final plan ready to vote on by late this weekend or early next week.

In the meantime, I just saw this on a friend's FB page ??

school spanking.png
This proves to me that my original idea, that they don't care if the virus spreads and that the lack of testing was not because of being inept but instead because they didn't want to, is correct.

But why, the end result is a situation far worse than testing and finding a lot of cases....either way the pooch was screwed and screwed well.....I just hope a lot of people don't pay for it.
I can't find the article now, but I read not too long ago Caronavirus could last up to the next 18 months and continue in multiple waves. This is supposedly the worst case scenario.

EDIT: Found it.
But why, the end result is a situation far worse than testing and finding a lot of cases....either way the pooch was screwed and screwed well.....I just hope a lot of people don't pay for it.
I don't know if I would go so far as to say that they actively want the sickness to actually spread so things will get so bad that the economy crashes and they can reset things (although it's amazing how closely intent and ignorance often track with each other), but I believe at the very least, they don't want to know the real numbers because they think it will somehow not seem so bad if we just don't know through gross underreporting. Maybe it's an economic or a panic thing. But whatever the reason, I think it's much more intentional than being a loveable, dumb uncle who can't remember where his fishing pole is.
Utterly appalling. The Chinese government needs to pay a heavy price after this crisis has passed...

Utterly appalling. The Chinese government needs to pay a heavy price after this crisis has passed...

View attachment 37354

Considering China is a big powerful country. How could anyone make China pay a heavy price? War? Ok war is doubtful

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Considering China is a big powerful country. How could anyone make China pay a heavy price? War? Ok war is doubtful

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We could stop buying their goods but that's about it. Maybe we could cancel our Debt to them but I don't think that it's that simple so basically nothing.
I don't know if I would go so far as to say that they actively want the sickness to actually spread so things will get so bad that the economy crashes and they can reset things (although it's amazing how closely intent and ignorance often track with each other), but I believe at the very least, they don't want to know the real numbers because they think it will somehow not seem so bad if we just don't know through gross underreporting. Maybe it's an economic or a panic thing. But whatever the reason, I think it's much more intentional than being a loveable, dumb uncle who can't remember where his fishing pole is.

Wow, you went there didn't you. :D?️‍♀️

My biggest pushback is what about the medical curve? I would think the main goal is not to overwhelm our medical systems. Intentionally not testing would almost certainly do that as the # of people rises very quickly in a very short amount of time. Unless they thought there are many more people that are asymphomatic that wouldn't need hospitalization, and that the CFR was not as serious. Or maybe this is an example of gov agencies not communicating with each other?

Can you clarify by 'they' do you mean specific gov agencies, or from the very top?
One of my coworkers was in close contact with someone who they believe have it. It was about 6 days ago but they didn’t have any symptoms at the time. He found out today and he left work and was put in isolation. The Alabama Dept of Public Health said those of us in contact with him do not have to isolate at this time. As of around noon he showed no symptoms. He may have to get tested if his contact’s test comes back positive.
Utterly appalling. The Chinese government needs to pay a heavy price after this crisis has passed...

View attachment 37354
I have been reading this. Means no buying anything from China! Buy American and put Americans back to work
Wow, you went there didn't you. :D?️‍♀️

My biggest pushback is what about the medical curve? I would think the main goal is not to overwhelm our medical systems. Intentionally not testing would almost certainly do that as the # of people rises very quickly in a very short amount of time. Unless they thought there are many more people that are asymphomatic that wouldn't need hospitalization, and that the CFR was not as serious. Or maybe this is an example of gov agencies not communicating with each other?

Can you clarify by 'they' do you mean specific gov agencies, or from the very top?
Government...the very top. You can't look at what's happening, have two month's lead, and then be all like, "Whoopsie daisy! I guess we're actually gonna have to do a little testing here. Anybody got any kits, yo?"
I have been reading this. Means no buying anything from China! Buy American and put Americans back to work
You do realize if American companies decide not to buy from China they are just going to go to another SE Asian country or Mexico right? Additionally many Chinese companies have already built or are building factories in other SE Asian counties to export to the US to avoid the tariff. You already have a wink wink hush hush loophole established
Government...the very top. You can't look at what's happening, have two month's lead, and then be all like, "Whoopsie daisy! I guess we're actually gonna have to do a little testing here. Anybody got any kits, yo?"

My issue is. Unless this virus goes away naturally. If people that needs tested isn’t tested. Then people are spreading this virus and it could be a while before we get rid of it.

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“To any multinational corporations that come to Congress asking for taxpayer $$$, you better come prepared to explain how you will move supply chains and jobs back to America if you want my vote,”

Globalism is dead and should have never gotten started in the first place.

Our job is to look after our own first.
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Considering China is a big powerful country. How could anyone make China pay a heavy price? War? Ok war is doubtful
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No one is talking about war. ?
Actions like severe OFAC sanctions, stripping Beijing's government (and high government officials) of sovereign immunity in US legal proceedings and seizure of their monetary and property assets within the US are among the tools that can be employed. The sovereign immunity aspect may be especially important, because there is going to be a tidal wave of civil lawsuits against the Chinese government seeking damages for causing this disaster.
Government...the very top. You can't look at what's happening, have two month's lead, and then be all like, "Whoopsie daisy! I guess we're actually gonna have to do a little testing here. Anybody got any kits, yo?"
Alright gotcha. (No more questions from council)

I think you're partly right and wrong, but I want to hold off on the subject for now until I've reflected on it further. As Yoda would say, meditate on this I must.
You can do hundreds of thousands of test. Thats great and all. Are the people who test positive but "dont feel bad" going to stay inside and away? Just about everybody is going to be touched by it or close to it in some form. Im not against testing but the attention being paid to it is hard for me to grasp. The symptoms of this are clear. If you start having symptoms stay the hell away from people and THEN go get a test. These positive test numbers that keep popping up and growing are great for data crunchers im sure. They also do a wonderful job of adding to the hysteria that is already beyond reason.
You can do hundreds of thousands of test. Thats great and all. Are the people who test positive but "dont feel bad" going to stay inside and away? Just about everybody is going to be touched by it or close to it in some form. Im not against testing but the attention being paid to it is hard for me to grasp. The symptoms of this are clear. If you start having symptoms stay the hell away from people and THEN go get a test. These positive test numbers that keep popping up and growing are great for data crunchers im sure. They also do a wonderful job of adding to the hysteria that is already beyond reason.

You can be asymptomatic and still spread the virus.......you can never get symptoms at all but still spread the virus.....by the time you start having symptoms you have already given it to several people probably.
You can be asymptomatic and still spread the virus.......you can never get symptoms at all but still spread the virus.....by the time you start having symptoms you have already given it to several people probably.
Understood but unless you are living under a rock or dont have a functioning brain, a person should at the very least understand the basics of interaction with others so as not to spread this. Its obvious that the millennials generation doesnt understand this but for the rest of us we atleast have some basic common sense to do the smart thing. As for the testing, why are some people continuing to babble about this? I have a very hard time believing that our hiccups or failures (if thats what one chooses to call it) with this testing would have yielded a different outcome.
This coronavirus has ruined so much for me. Make sure to check on your friends & family because this has took a toll on me emotionally and mentally :(
Hope you’re ok, man. Everyone is gonna get through this, but it is gonna be different. Reach out to people if you need support. You’re not alone. This sucks, that’s a real and fair feeling.
You can be asymptomatic and still spread the virus.......you can never get symptoms at all but still spread the virus.....by the time you start having symptoms you have already given it to several people probably.

If those numbers about only 1 in 10 show symptoms are correct you will never stop it unless you have hundreds of millions of tests where you can test everyone in every city or close to it.
If those numbers about only 1 in 10 show symptoms, you will never stop it unless you have hundreds of millions of tests where you can test everyone in every city or close to it.

Agree, we should have had a plan to try and do just that, instead we struggle to test just the sick to confirm, my wife works at a doctors office they have zero test, they were told last Friday by the CDC they would be getting 3 test this week, still have not seen any.

The social distancing will help some but until we can accurately and reliably identify those that carry the virus and get them quarantined it will continue to spread.
Hope you’re ok, man. Everyone is gonna get through this, but it is gonna be different. Reach out to people if you need support. You’re not alone. This sucks, that’s a real and fair feeling.
I’m glad you think it’s a fair feeling. My own d*** family just keeps telling me that people have it worse, so basically what I’m going through is not valid, but whatever I guess. It sucks so bad I finally got my life going in a really positive direction just for it to crash & burn. Waves of hopelessness and anxiety attacks, tired of this s***
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