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Misc Cold Season Complaining

Yall even the most recent Hrrr run is busting way too low in this area I highlighted. They are getting nuked right now. And have been getting nuked for the last 2 hours. I'd guess 2 inches and growing on the ground in that area.

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In general models show an inch to 1.5 here with much heavier totals like 2 counties away....I'm hoping we see similar errors in this direction later.
Dang southeast side of Houston heading towards Galveston is still mixing apparently

They only have a few hours left
HAHAHHA Good! Next stop New Orleans for the screw ship, then hopefully PCB. Im not even under an advisory .... even with all the "trends" I shouldve known when certain good posters in my area werent posting even with all the trends lol
It’s still sting seeing you guys south of me getting a better storm than some of folks in the mid south got. And for crying out loud yes i received a half of foot of snow from the last storm but that doesn’t mean i don’t wanna see more. I’m a snow weenie fan to heart and being from the south brings the kid in me out whenever i have a chance to see it snow. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy your snow day as I look on from the Tennessee valley
The north trend is undefeated, especially in these kinds of setups with warm advection and isentropic upglide aloft.
Webber, make me feel better tell me its Jan 2022 again lol 😂 I got 2" That night without an advisory. I always get worried if im not under some product. But hell thats actually gotten me 2-3" two times in 15yrs
Just in case anyone was wondering, I did indeed bring the snow to New Orleans as I was there 12th thru the 15th for AMS. I think it was me eating the French doughnuts that did it.IMG_0232.jpeg
Achieved this with absolutely 0 snowcover! Impressive! IMG_9034.png
Just got some great news! My colonoscopy for tomorrow has been rescheduled!💩 I live about 2 miles north of the winter storm warning. I just didn’t wanna pass all day and do the prep and then not be able to go that would stink lol!
Can update and say that my work is letting out at 3 as of now.

I'm not sure that's enough tbh if it's trying now. The band to my west is interesting.
And here I thought, after years of watching Mooresville be the right on the cutoff line, that moving to Statesville would give me a better chance at decent snow....lol
Fully expecting a big ole ‘none pizza left beef’ here in Atlanta. At least where I’m at. Hope I’m wrong.
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CAE's radar will be going offline for about an hour for a quick maintenance issue...don't want anyone to freak out if they see it offline shortly with GSP already down 😅