This is a weather forum so it is my duty to report significant weather events.
Hot April continues in South Florida, especially at my location between Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport and interior Hollywood North Perry Airport (where the terrorists supposedly trained). Yesterday was the coldest day since April 3rd, and it was 1 degree above normal. Today we almost broke the April high minimum again, but the temperature dropped to 79.3. Tonight might be a repeat. The April High minimum temperature is 80 degrees. The high temperature for April is 97, and we got to 94 and 95 a few times.
Super warm waters off the Atlantic Coastline, and lakes are super warm. The lake outside my condo this afternoon was 86 degrees, and the drought has lowered the water level by 2 feet. I can see 2 foot fish breathing coming up to breath for air about five feet from the lake shore. The gulf and immediate Florida coast are very warm for this time a year, which is likely aiding to the tornado threat in the Southeast.
I have lived in Florida for 7 years now, and am pretty impressed by the conditions this year. It's hot. I walk my dog in the morning and night, and I'm sweating like I do in nighttime June temperatures. It's a very auspicous start to the hurricane season
Yeah it’s supposed to be an active season this year and the ssts are way high. Not good.

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