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Pattern Anaphylactic August

Does anybody know how much rain got dumped on the Marietta area last night?

There was a little cell that just formed and sat there (specifically on Suntrust Park), then as it was raining out, it was fired back up by an outflow convection. By radar shots and the shots I saw of the park, they had to have had at least 3+ inches dumped on them overnight, as it looked like it wasn't ending anytime soon (because of that, there was a flash flood warning issued).

It also rained pretty hard for me for a bit, but I don't know what the total was yet.

Edit: That total was .59".

I don't have any kind of rain gauge setup, but it was a lot, multiple storms. A weather underground station near me reported 1.97", but there was more west and south toward Suntrust. The Sandy Plains corridor down to the southwest had a lot, I would guess anywhere from 3-5" depending on location.
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Hrrr gets a area of storms that moves east to west from the sea breeze/boundary, atmospheric profiles are juicy so where it rains it will rain a lot, also 20kts of effective bulk shear so may be little organization
Has the GFS had a wet bias recently. Seems much wetter than other guidance
I've noticed this too but I wonder if it just doesn't handle convective environment well, it tends to "broad brush" precip amounts (for lack of better way of saying it) and thus it shows large totals. When in reality those totals are far more isolated.... on the other hand I've also notice the CMC and ICON are almost extreme in the other direction, in fact the CMC is down right dry for the next 10 days. Again just my .02 but operational models don't handle convection precip well
I've noticed this too but I wonder if it just doesn't handle convective environment well, it tends to "broad brush" precip amounts (for lack of better way of saying it) and thus it shows large totals. When in reality those totals are far more isolated.... on the other hand I've also notice the CMC and ICON are almost extreme in the other direction, in fact the CMC is down right dry for the next 10 days. Again just my .02 but operational models don't handle convection precip well
That’s a great description. If you toggle from the gfs precip 6 hour average to its radar representation you can see where it “broadbrushes” these amounts. I expect some decent rain but I don’t expect 3-5” across the whole SE
That’s a great description. If you toggle from the gfs precip 6 hour average to its radar representation you can see where it “broadbrushes” these amounts. I expect some decent rain but I don’t expect 3-5” across the whole SE
Yeah and I'm sure someone far more knowledgeable than I can give a better scientific explanation, but sometimes I'm just better with the keep it simple rule... Lol

Of course the FV3 has had major issues in the past with qpf, hope that's been resolved or we're in for a treat come Winter
WRAL had the chance of storms here at 60% today, higher than yesterday when we actually had some storms, and now they are talking about backing down the chances here today. SMH.
After the past several days of bad luck, finally getting a decent t'storm right now. Had some decent wind ahead of it.

Did make it up to 90*F today.
Still basically dry here. Hoping to get something from the tropics to bring us some rain. These pop up storms are not getting the job done here.
I heard one rumble of thunder, but no storm or rain for me today. Meanwhile, western Wake got hit and had some flooding. Guess the storms were just very isolated, and the forecast was hard to pin down. First, they had the chance at 60%, more than yesterday when I got a storm, and then it was decreased, but parts of Wake still ended up with storms and flooding. Just funny how it works out.
Currently on a four day rain streak here. Streak could have ended yesterday but Thursday nights storms persisted past midnight keeping it alive.

Really hope I can get something here today at some point. Still got plenty of time for that to happen. If I do get something today, tomorrow looks to be a active day here so I hope I can make it to a least day 6 on my rain streak.