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Misc All Things Religious

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It's right in there buddy you just don't want to accept it. I can give you any version you prefer to see. it's still the same thing. I know it's probably a shock to many of you who didn't know this crap was in the bible. I didn't either until I started doing my own research by we are always told that the bible is god's word. Well I have shown it to you. The point I am trying to make is that this wasn't written by or for any creator that loves you. These words come from a brutal dictator that somehow convinced the people of his time that he was their lord. They obviously believed it

Firstly I accept it.

Secondly, trust me all of us knew it was there. Not to hurt your feelings, but you aren’t the first, second, or forty thousandth person who realized you can use google to pull random verses from the Bible and use to “prove” your viewpoint. Most of us have heard these same verses grabbed by atheists trying to get a hit in although there are several more you didn’t mention.

Thirdly, I ask you to keep researching the Bible, but research it by actually reading it and use Google as a last resort.
Firstly I accept it.

Secondly, trust me all of us knew it was there. Not to hurt your feelings, but you aren’t the first, second, or forty thousandth person who realized you can use google to pull random verses from the Bible and use to “prove” your viewpoint. Most of us have heard these same verses grabbed by atheists trying to get a hit in although there are several more you didn’t mention.

Thirdly, I ask you to keep researching the Bible, but research it by actually reading it and use Google as a last resort.
Well the others wont touch it so maybe you can explain to me why the god of the bible would say these aweful things from these random verses that are considered holy? If it's not the word of god then who's words are they? I get that you don't really want to address it but these types of things are very important to some people like me who had to kill another human who was considered the enemy. And yes I can post a lot more trash if you wish. I sure hope this isn't your guide to how to treat your fellow man

And NO I am NOT an atheist, not even close.....
Well the others wont touch it so maybe you can explain to me why the god of the bible would say these aweful things from these random verses that are considered holy? If it's not the word of god then who's words are they? I get that you don't really want to address it but these types of things are very important to some people like me who had to kill another human who was considered the enemy. And yes I can post a lot more trash if you wish. I sure hope this isn't your guide to how to treat your fellow man

And NO I am NOT an atheist, not even close.....
To be fair, you've been treated with nothing but respect and had tons of replies, going back pages/pages and for months. And just as @MRStorm pointed out the other day, you've really not given that same respect in return.... calling us brainwashed, tell us to stop doing this or that, telling us we didn't know what was in the Bible, intentionally demeaning our God and anyone that believes in Him. There has been responses to your questions more than enough but you have no desire to listen or try to understand. You've "ordered" us to have an open mind while speaking from the most closed mind and heart. The Bible has to be read, studied and understood in it's entirety. A few comments or responses on a weather forum aren't gonna come close to explaining the scriptures you keep cherry picking. I said it the yesterday and I'll say it again, this debate really is futile.
Well the others wont touch it so maybe you can explain to me why the god of the bible would say these aweful things from these random verses that are considered holy? If it's not the word of god then who's words are they? I get that you don't really want to address it but these types of things are very important to some people like me who had to kill another human who was considered the enemy. And yes I can post a lot more trash if you wish. I sure hope this isn't your guide to how to treat your fellow man

And NO I am NOT an atheist, not even close.....

I’m not gonna torch it either, I’m not taking about the verses, but the discussion. In this context it does no good but wastes time. Trust me, I’ve had this discussion over and over and over as have the others “who won’t touch it”. Scripture is fun to debate and is very beneficial to discuss when you have good at the end in mind. If you want to really have this discussion, stay off google and the websites that have a starting point that God is evil, and actually read the Bible and we will both have a starting point to discuss.

I don’t think you are an atheist, but let me be clear the playbook you are using is the same old tired tactic that always get used in these discussions. We’ve already wasted too much time over the years in discussions like this.

And yes, God is a dictator, he is the king. When you poured yourself into creating everything, you have the absolute right to determine order, and the rules and who does what and when. That is not debatable. If that is an issue for you, then step in line and take a number as billions of men have hated that since the beginning.
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I’m not gonna torch it either, I’m not taking about the verses, but the discussion. In this context it does no good but wastes time. Trust me, I’ve had this discussion over and over and over as have the others “who want touch it”. Scripture is fun to debate and is very good to discuss when you have good at the end. If you want to really have this discussion, stay off google and the websites that have a starting point that God is evil, and actually read the Bible and we will both have a starting point to discuss.

I don’t think you are an atheist, but let me be clear the playbook you are using is the same old tired tactic that always get used in these discussions. We’ve already wasted to much time over the years in discussions like this.

And yes, God is a dictator, he is the king. When you poured yourself into creating everything, you have the absolute right to determine order, and the rules and who does what and when. That is not debatable. If that is an issue for you, then step in line and take a number, billions of men have hated that since the beginning.
No I know 100% why you won't touch it. Because the truth is in black and white and you can't answer to it and you know you can't. This is the word of god according to christians and while you don't owe me any defense of it (I already know the truth) think about this the next time you rail against dictators in modern times because you clearly worship one. You folks obviously accept this kind of behavior because you are afraid not to out of fear, fear and more fear but like mentioned before, you get to sit back and watch the killing in war on TV as you cheer on your side. At least now I know where it comes from......
No I know 100% why you won't touch it. Because the truth is in black and white and you can't answer to it and you know you can't. This is the word of god according to christians and while you don't owe me any defense of it (I already know the truth) think about this the next time you rail against dictators in modern times because you clearly worship one. You folks obviously accept this kind of behavior because you are afraid not to out of fear, fear and more fear but like mentioned before, you get to sit back and watch the killing in war on TV as you cheer on your side. At least now I know where it comes from......

Since knowing is a powerful statement then we have reached the end to the discussion.
Today my self proclaimed "super christian" co-worker said a group of teenagers who are In a gang should be taken out and shot. I asked him about their possible future redemption and there chance at finding god.

It's clear from his stuttering and stammering that today's Christianity has changed considerably from what it was even just 25 years ago.
Lumping "All" of any group into one bucket, based on "One's" comments or actions does not show much intelligence at all. It just makes you look shallow and causes more divisiveness.
Lumping "All" of any group into one bucket, based on "One's" comments or actions does not show much intelligence at all. It just makes you look shallow and causes more divisiveness.
But it's not just ones comments it's clearly become a significant portion of the religion.
Today my self proclaimed "super christian" co-worker said a group of teenagers who are In a gang should be taken out and shot. I asked him about their possible future redemption and there chance at finding god.

It's clear from his stuttering and stammering that today's Christianity has changed considerably from what it was even just 25 years ago.
You see politics combined with religion way more than you used to. Most christians I know or have ever known are christians by proxy from their family. Mom and grandma wouldn't lie, neither would great grandma or great great grandma and on down the line. That's the way it was in my family and nobody ever ask questions you just believe or else. There is a country club attitude and that is most certainly not what Jesus taught
Your opinion and I disagree. Come meet me and spend a weekend, and I will introduce you to a few hundred men from my church who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and routinely spend all or part of their weekend many times a year, doing every type of yardwork for the elderly or those who are unable to do it themselves, building access ramps for free for people who can't afford them, serving meals and ministering at the local shelter, leading worship at a prison, coaching and training community children who otherwise couldn't play sports, responding to natural disasters all over the southeast, operating a clothing and food bank, and the list goes on. These are men of all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, and skill levels. Not talking but living the Gospel.
Your opinion and I disagree. Come meet me and spend a weekend, and I will introduce you to a few hundred men from my church who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and routinely spend all or part of their weekend many times a year, doing every type of yardwork for the elderly or those who are unable to do it themselves, building access ramps for free for people who can't afford them, serving meals and ministering at the local shelter, leading worship at a prison, coaching and training community children who otherwise couldn't play sports, responding to natural disasters all over the southeast, operating a clothing and food bank, and the list goes on. These are men of all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, and skill levels. Not talking but living the Gospel.
Right. Many Churches do just that. Our church has buses that go around town to pick up any and all children, teenagers, young adults that want to go to church. We have youth leagues to reach out all within our community, mission outreach nights where we go door to door to meet with people in our community, regardless of age/race/socio economic status, etc. Most Godly churches are doing just that, are there a few so called "christians" that spew stupid stuff, yep, pretty much the case within any group of people.
I don't understand why this thread is a constant argument at this point.
Your opinion and I disagree. Come meet me and spend a weekend, and I will introduce you to a few hundred men from my church who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and routinely spend all or part of their weekend many times a year, doing every type of yardwork for the elderly or those who are unable to do it themselves, building access ramps for free for people who can't afford them, serving meals and ministering at the local shelter, leading worship at a prison, coaching and training community children who otherwise couldn't play sports, responding to natural disasters all over the southeast, operating a clothing and food bank, and the list goes on. These are men of all ages, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic status, and skill levels. Not talking but living the Gospel.
I met some of Raleigh’s most active pastors in the community with some of the largest churches, did work with them… in your face they were the kindest people but come to find out they wished every Palestinian would just be killed , bomb them all, their words not mine, they told these words to another pastor friend of mine … these weren’t no podunk church pastors either, they run the biggest churches around , people I knew and worked with personally … talk bout wicked … so yeah no I don’t trust nun em, especially not no dang evangelical pastors … those folks are the ones praying for end times wishing death and destruction to speed up Jesus coming
I met some of Raleigh’s most active pastors in the community with some of the largest churches, did work with them… in your face they were the kindest people but come to find out they wished every Palestinian would just be killed , bomb them all, their words not mine, they told these words to another pastor friend of mine … these weren’t no podunk church pastors either, they run the biggest churches around , people I knew and worked with personally … talk bout wicked … so yeah no I don’t trust nun em, especially not no dang evangelical pastors … those folks are the ones praying for end times wishing death and destruction to speed up Jesus coming
I don't trust those mega church pastors either tbh, in fact, give me podunk every day and twice on Sunday 😏
You see politics combined with religion way more than you used to. Most christians I know or have ever known are christians by proxy from their family. Mom and grandma wouldn't lie, neither would great grandma or great great grandma and on down the line. That's the way it was in my family and nobody ever ask questions you just believe or else. There is a country club attitude and that is most certainly not what Jesus taught
This might be the most ridiculous thing you have posted to date.
I met some of Raleigh’s most active pastors in the community with some of the largest churches, did work with them… in your face they were the kindest people but come to find out they wished every Palestinian would just be killed , bomb them all, their words not mine, they told these words to another pastor friend of mine … these weren’t no podunk church pastors either, they run the biggest churches around , people I knew and worked with personally … talk bout wicked … so yeah no I don’t trust nun em, especially not no dang evangelical pastors … those folks are the ones praying for end times wishing death and destruction to speed up Jesus coming
I spend more time than I can count with Christians, listening to pastors, out in the community doing work from ramps, to food pantries etc. Ive never heard one say they wished a Palestinian or any Arab, Muslim where dead. " Thy will be done" check the Lords Prayer. Then check out where he explains from His holy word how he desires ( Thats HIS WILL) that none should perish but have everlasting life. He gives all the freedom to make our own choice.
So I'm calling you out on this statement. I do not sympathize with Hamas, their value streams and their actions prior to , during and beyond Oct 7,2023. I support Israel 100% in the actions they are having to carry out in order to secure their country, way of life. Remember it was all peaceful on Oct 6th. Israel has no choice and I can assure you they would much rather live in peace with their neighbors. Problem is their neighbors want them eradicated off the face of the planet.
I spend more time than I can count with Christians, listening to pastors, out in the community doing work from ramps, to food pantries etc. Ive never heard one say they wished a Palestinian or any Arab, Muslim where dead. " Thy will be done" check the Lords Prayer. Then check out where he explains from His holy word how he desires ( Thats HIS WILL) that none should perish but have everlasting life. He gives all the freedom to make our own choice.
So I'm calling you out on this statement. I do not sympathize with Hamas, their value streams and their actions prior to , during and beyond Oct 7,2023. I support Israel 100% in the actions they are having to carry out in order to secure their country, way of life. Remember it was all peaceful on Oct 6th. Israel has no choice and I can assure you they would much rather live in peace with their neighbors. Problem is their neighbors want them eradicated off the face of the planet.
Try this place below. Here you will find MANY Christians that say those very things. Now go back and re-read several of my post quoting the loving scriptures of the old testament and you will see EXACTLY where it (WAR) comes from. Millions of people in one area killing each other over dirt and they justify it through their holy books of fairy tales. I know I was one of them.......Don't get me wrong I understand self preservation very well but that's not my point. The point is there should never have been this level of hatred on the planet in the first place but here we sit


Matthew 22:36-40

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

36 Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.
38 This is the greatest and the first commandment.
39 And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.
If you have never heard of Chris Bledsoe you should. This is Chris and his son Ryan in a separate episode who explains "angels" to you and what they are and have been for thousands of years


Apologies if I have posted this one before but always liked this one and seems appropriate as we marvel at the Aurora from our tiny point in God's vast creation.
I think you folks will enjoy this especially in light of what is going on in the world. Just open your mind. Everything you desire is there. Hope all of you are well and good!

Heard any firsthand accounts of people going to their farm to get healed?
Heard any firsthand accounts of people going to their farm to get healed?
Yes. If you read the book UFO of God and follow his story it explains in full detail. Check out Chris podcast interview with Danny Jones on YouTube. It will blow your mind
Interesting video on the end of life of some people.

Reincarnation and karma. There is no hell unless you want to call earth hell. There is no death of your soul just the meat suit your soul resides in. Energy can not be created or destroyed only transformed and that is exactly what we are, light energy beings. What Jesus came here to do was teach us how to break the cycle of reincarnation. Where did Jesus go for 18 years of his life? He went to Egypt and India to learn about reincarnation and karma. Of course we know how that story ends. The "church" had him nailed to a cross for heresy and the rest is history. The Gnostic Christians believe in reincarnation and there are hundreds of ancient text that never made it in biblical canon for this very reason. Reincarnation means no hell to send people to which means they can't control you with a book that has been misinterpreted for thousands of years. As we well know the Orthodox church killed millions of gnostics and to this very day they continue to control billions of people

If you ever have interest look into the Nag Hammadi which is a library of gnostic text that were hidden from the Orthodox Church so they couldn't be destroyed. They were found in the 1940's and the gnostics have been making a comeback ever since and they tell a much different story about Jesus teachings from those closest to him.
Sounds like an interesting guy. Having grown up RC myself it's always been interesting to hear evangelical/protestant "thinkers" speak.
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