Evil has been and will be. It is part of the human experience, unfortunately.
Spot on. Evil cannot exist without good, and good cannot exist without evil. Unfortunately, evil has been around since the beginning of man, and will be until Jesus returns, or for the atheists in the crowd, until man ceases to exist.
As for the conspiracy theories... They are not biblical. Those Christians that even entertain the idea are misinformed or mistaken. The Bible deals in absolute, objective truths. There is no subjective truth in God's word. The Bible is clear that no man shall know when Jesus is to return. Period. Those that claim its going to happen tomorrow, or next month, or next year, or whenever, either are intentionally misinforming people to spread fear, or have been misinformed by someone else, or have misinterpreted the Word of God.
It is ok to speculate, but those that do should label it as such, instead of insisting that they have some kind of knowledge that nobody else has. Yes, the Bible gives us signs to look for before His return, but let's be honest, many of those signs have happened many times over already.
As stated by others, the most important thing is to make sure you are right with the Lord, ask Him into your heart and life, accept Him as your savior, and repent of your sins. At that point, it doesn't matter whether He comes tonight, or next year, or next century, because you will have eternal life. He doesn't wish for us to live this life in fear, so as long as you have a relationship with Him, stop worrying about the how and when, and make the most of your time while you are here, because whether you are caught up in the rapture, or you die at 90 years old of natural causes, eventually your time here will be done, and it's such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, far too short to spend worrying about when it's going to end.
That said, that doesn't mean to just roll over and accept what comes your way in this life. We should still stand up for what He wants us to, and fight til the death for the truth and what's right.
For the atheists out there. You are absolutely entitled to believe what you believe, even if I don't agree with it. I still love you as my fellow man/woman, and I pray that one day you'll see the light and come to Christ. But regardless of whether you do or not I will never put you down, or have anger or hatred towards you, or think any less of you as a person. Regardless of our personal values or religious views, we are all valuable, and we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
Sorry for the rambling rant! Just felt compelled to weigh in.
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