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Severe 3/21-3/24 Severe Weather

It's interesting how much faster the hrrr is at establishing the SB cape in that area vs say the 3k
Yeah, I actually kinda side with the HRRR. Moisture is always downplayed until you get within a day range, I'm afraid your highest tornado potential will actually be that western half of Alabama if that discreet convection that HRRR is showing gets going. It really made convection discreet in Texas for today when it was looking more like a line. It'll be a litmus test of what happens in Texas
This is the difference of what 24 hours of getting closer in the HRRR range does for storm mode.... Screenshot_20220321-134959.pngScreenshot_20220321-134952.pngScreenshot_20220321-134927.png
Yeah, I actually kinda side with the HRRR. Moisture is always downplayed until you get within a day range, I'm afraid your highest tornado potential will actually be that western half of Alabama if that discreet convection that HRRR is showing gets going. It really made convection discreet in Texas for today when it was looking more like a line. It'll be a litmus test of what happens in Texas
It’s different aloft wind parameter wise in texas today vs tomorrow across the SE
It’s different aloft wind parameter wise in texas today vs tomorrow across the SE
Even so, the accuracy of today's storms forecasted by the hrrr vs real time. will give higher confidence to tommorows prefrontal storms.
18z is being even more so bullish with warm sector prefront convection. Nvm that's to far ahead. Does have cells popping up near the qcls though.
May have too much shear and rip the updrafts apart. with just 1000 cape