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Misc 2021 Spring/Summer Whamby Thread

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I doubt it unless it completely reversed and became a cold current.
I guess closest to figuring out what it would look like would be to get data on its strength and look at the weaker years and extrapolate from there . Probably not the most accurate as I doubt they have been tracking for long , think only since early 2000s.
Let’s goooooooooooo ! Let’s stop the Gulf Stream NOW!

I love reading GW articles filled with the words, might, maybe, may, we think, possible, forecasted, predictions, could etc. Science!
I'm trying to wait until 12:30 to have lunch, but that chicken salad is calling my name.
That would be hilarious actually . I’m not really sure what it would to us here , if anything since we are on the east coast of a continent and our weather mostly is influenced by the continent . Maybe a drier more stable climate perhaps . The higher sea level on east coast thing would be true though if the currents shut down . Let’s do it , this will be fun if you ask me!
Pretty much , weaker gradient , weaker mid latitude storms . No more Jan 2000 type scenarios . I think it would make for a climate with slightly cooler summers and near identical winters but much more stable . No more 84 degree days with dews near 70 on Christmas on the coast .

Not sure I get your definition of "fun," but for actual weather enthusiasts, it seems like:

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