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Misc 2021 Spring/Summer Whamby Thread

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I agree, seems promising. Just research it as much as possible, as its said it could lead to cancer. I guess the same could be said about the others. I remember when Pheraplex was targeted by users that said it could enlarge the heart. Now that 25 years have passed, former users are fine.
Yea sarms don't have long term studies so it a risky for sure. The best thing to do is just go to your doctor or one of the T Nation offices and get on test. Test is defiantly the safest and best.
I agree, seems promising. Just research it as much as possible, as its said it could lead to cancer. I guess the same could be said about the others. I remember when Pheraplex was targeted by users that said it could enlarge the heart. Now that 25 years have passed, former users are fine.
I stay away from HGH because of the whole cancer cell growth, I just take low dose TRT now and cant complain. Lost all my size for sure but I feel better. My liver, kidneys, blood pressure took a beating for many years an my heart is enlarged so I was told by my doctor to retire. So low dose TRT just to keep my levels in range and I walk, eat right to keep the ole heart happy.
On test, as a base. Now if i could get up in the 500mg per week amount it'd be great.
It all depends on what range your body likes I guess. When I was going hard I wanted to be in the 950-1200 range. Now I am float around 700-740 every check up. I could still gain mass at that range but I cant be a meat head. If I stop my TRT I dropped in the low 4s and that sucked. Ive been as low as the single digits so I know it can be harsh without it.
It all depends on what range your body likes I guess. When I was going hard I wanted to be in the 950-1200 range. Now I am float around 700-740 every check up. I could still gain mass at that range but I cant be a meat head. If I stop my TRT I dropped in the low 4s and that sucked. Ive been as low as the single digits so I know it can be harsh without it.
I take 200ml every 2 weeks. Not enough to illicit anabolic activity on its own, but combined with msten, m1a, dmz, max lmg, it can be a good benefit. My cousin takes around 1000ml every week and stays muscular and lean at 315lbs total body weight.

Id love to take 5 to 700mls every week. That would allow for good muscle growth.

Just an old man wanting to write his swan song before time runs out.
I take 200ml every 2 weeks. Not enough to illicit anabolic activity on its own, but combined with msten, m1a, dmz, max lmg, it can be a good benefit. My cousin takes around 1000ml every week and stays muscular and lean at 315lbs total body weight.

Id love to take 5 to 700mls every week. That would allow for good muscle growth.

Just an old man wanting to write his swan song before time runs out.
As long as your getting blood work every 3-4 months I guess your good. Its all about genetic and mine suck so my body couldn't do it anymore. I did love Mass Tabs, M1t and anavar.
As long as your getting blood work every 3-4 months I guess your good. Its all about genetic and mine suck so my body couldn't do it anymore. I did love Mass Tabs, M1t and anavar.
Mass tabs was the sh..t. i dont know what was in it, speculation was superdrol and methylsten. Wouldnt surprise me if it was dianabol either. Best stuff ive taken orally. Trestolone acetate was best stuff intramuscular. Trest put the mass on me fast! Havent done Anavar or Trenadrol, but users loved it. Man I miss the old days.
Mass tabs was the sh..t. i dont know what was in it, speculation was superdrol and methylsten. Wouldnt surprise me if it was dianabol either. Best stuff ive taken orally. Trestolone acetate was best stuff intramuscular. Trest put the mass on me fast! Havent done Anavar or Trenadrol, but users loved it. Man I miss the old days.
Yep the good days before the FDA messed everything up. I would add Andro poppers to that list too.
Its hard for me to see pot users begin to get their way on legalization of it when what I enjoy gets vilified and shut down in the public eye and legally. Wish we had some reps on our side that could push for legislation on it.
Sarms are a lot safer. PHs will kill you. Real Gear is the safest but harder to get unless you know somebody and trust them.
I’m a weight lifter .. never been into the steroids though .. you can get big without having to use that ---- … natural big feels and looks a lot better than the over the top stuff in my opinion ??‍♂️ Then again I just do it for the looks and staying healthy not really for any weight lifting competitions and stuff like that
I’m a weight lifter .. never been into the steroids though .. you can get big without having to use that ---- … natural big feels and looks a lot better than the over the top stuff in my opinion ??‍♂️ Then again I just do it for the looks not really for any weight lifting competitions and stuff like that
Good don't do it. Its addicting for sure. Natural is the way to go but once you cheat you never go back.
I take 200ml every 2 weeks. Not enough to illicit anabolic activity on its own, but combined with msten, m1a, dmz, max lmg, it can be a good benefit. My cousin takes around 1000ml every week and stays muscular and lean at 315lbs total body weight.

Id love to take 5 to 700mls every week. That would allow for good muscle growth.

Just an old man wanting to write his swan song before time runs out.
200ml of Test every 2 weeks? What kind of Test are you taking?
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