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Misc 2021 Spring/Summer Whamby Thread

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Should we be good stewards of the earth, yes. Do we have the power to make it have a climate that is unsustainable for life? Highly doubt it.
There are ramifications to not taking care of the environment... But we are not going to have mass extinction because of anything we do to ourselves.
Should we be good stewards of the earth, yes. Do we have the power to make it have a climate that is unsustainable for life? Highly doubt it.
Welllllll I wouldn’t say we don’t . We do got nukes and do have the power to wipe out much of life and vegetation even without nukes .
Some people like to worry, it gives them a higher purpose in life . You sure do feel more important and worthy when you feel that you are bestowed with the burden of saving man from some calamity .

Yeah and if enough folks in gov wake up to reality then things will change for the better.

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To save us from melting ice ? Ok man. You go on your personal crusade . I’m going to call you Don Quixote from now on.The man of a fools errand.

I'm not saving anyone. I will just sit back and watch it all go to hell and see how long folks " oh it will be fine and we"ll make it" attitude holds up.

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I'm not saving anyone. I will just sit back and watch it all go to hell and see how long folks " oh it will be fine and we"ll make it" attitude holds up.

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I would wager until the bitter end.

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AGW denial is a religion to the deniers at this point because they have zero scientific support.

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