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Misc 2021 Spring/Summer Whamby Thread

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Lol at all the cams that showed heavy pivoting rain band up here. #bust #goodfathersday
Weenie Roast!!!! I see a whole bunch of yall on this roller!

That’s Brick on top! King of the weenies
To go along with the annoying bumper stickers. I have these weather related sayings that annoy the hell out of me.

1. Don't like the weather in "Insert state Name" wait ten minutes.
2. Me: Talking about some anomalous weather that has recently occurred.
Them: Welcome to "Insert state Name"

Both of these I have heard in multiple states personally, And they make me cringe. Let's not be these people.
To go along with the annoying bumper stickers. I have these weather related sayings that annoy the hell out of me.

1. Don't like the weather in "Insert state Name" wait ten minutes.
2. Me: Talking about some anomalous weather that has recently occurred.
Them: Welcome to "Insert state Name"

Both of these I have heard in multiple states personally, And they make me cringe. Let's not be these people.
#1 makes me want to fight you. Definitely something I here people say in every state.
To go along with the annoying bumper stickers. I have these weather related sayings that annoy the hell out of me.

1. Don't like the weather in "Insert state Name" wait ten minutes.
2. Me: Talking about some anomalous weather that has recently occurred.
Them: Welcome to "Insert state Name"

Both of these I have heard in multiple states personally, And they make me cringe. Let's not be these people.
Nc HaS aLl 4 sEaSoNs In OnE dAy
What really annoys me is the 'old timers knowledge'.... "I just heard thunder during the Winter, granddaddy always said that means snow in 2 weeks!" We get Thunder every winter and snow 2 weeks later I'm guessing less than 1% of the time. But you better believe every time someone hears thunder they bring it up. smh. They say the same thing when there is a ring around the moon. Annoying, and you can't tell them any different. Granddaddy knows best. It could actually happen 1 in 1000 times and that would be enough for them to confirm it is 100% accurate.

I'm not trying to bash any 'old timers' they did the best they could with the technology they had but we are far more advanced now and most of those sayings are not accurate. However, some take them as gospel.
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We are officially on the march towards winter as the days are now starting to get shorter.
Yep , and now that the solstice has passed and astronomical summer has started every day must be between 85-90 otherwise it’s insane weather . Impossible weather . ITS ONLY JUNE 21 weather .Dewwy Dan the geographical climo wizard right here ladies and gentlemen.
To go along with the annoying bumper stickers. I have these weather related sayings that annoy the hell out of me.

1. Don't like the weather in "Insert state Name" wait ten minutes.
2. Me: Talking about some anomalous weather that has recently occurred.
Them: Welcome to "Insert state Name"

Both of these I have heard in multiple states personally, And they make me cringe. Let's not be these people.
That’s climo; bro
Yep , and now that the solstice has passed and astronomical summer has started every day must be between 85-90 otherwise it’s insane weather . Impossible weather . ITS ONLY JUNE 21 weather .Dewwy Dan the geographical climo wizard right here ladies and gentlemen.
Well we are on the March to winter since the days will be getting shorter soon. Just think in about 45 days you will start noticing longer shadows
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