Helpful hints for today:
Look out your window frequently
When squnting to determine if snow is falling make sure the backdrop is dark.
Ignore every model except the one that shows the most snow in your back yard.
Look out the window again
Only use the Intellicast radar mosaic.
When determining whether or not the animated pixels are headed toward your house, use a straight edge from the pixel motion to your location and adjust as necessary to force a track as close as possible
Remember to look out the window
Check mping reports upstream
Eating comfort food will help
When frustrated that it's not snowing yet, complain to a fellow weenie
Only accept posts that ignore drying trends
And be sure and look out the window
Look out your window frequently
When squnting to determine if snow is falling make sure the backdrop is dark.
Ignore every model except the one that shows the most snow in your back yard.
Look out the window again
Only use the Intellicast radar mosaic.
When determining whether or not the animated pixels are headed toward your house, use a straight edge from the pixel motion to your location and adjust as necessary to force a track as close as possible
Remember to look out the window
Check mping reports upstream
Eating comfort food will help
When frustrated that it's not snowing yet, complain to a fellow weenie
Only accept posts that ignore drying trends
And be sure and look out the window