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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

WTF is up with traffic circles ??? Seriously, I think iowa just discovered them and they put one every 100yards on some streets! Waterloo is the worse! And they love a freaking 4 way stop! Busy ass intersections and just damn stop signs!!?
Traffic circles are far more efficient and safe at moving traffic . And I too hope they put a 8 lane freeway through your house ! Hope the chair gets hit by an 18 wheeler!
Roundabouts are great too. You can also add the Diamond interchange as well.
New Jersey has this weird thing my friend told me where you can’t turn left , you got to turn into this exit thing to the right and do some weird ---- then stop on the light again and cross . Best road designs are in cities that encourage less driving … let’s go Netherlands !

The Panthers defense looks a bit off. This is quite unexpected. It's Usuallly the Panthers offense that sucks and their defense that's quite good.
Traffic circles are far more efficient and safe at moving traffic . And I too hope they put a 8 lane freeway through your house ! Hope the chair gets hit by an 18 wheeler!
I don’t understand all the blatant anger! I havnt seen anything but flurries, barely more than jimmy has seen in 12 years! Y’all fooks, step off
would be a great movie if both Keenan and Kale were both in the movie and not just Keenan Thompson.