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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

Yall are disregarding what making money entails. Also, why resort to that extreme? Sustainable growth and environmental protection is a thing you know. There is absolutely nothing sustainable about growth patterns in the southern us. I'm not anti-growth nor am I even anti my own town growing, I like it, I love new small businesses and people. However, I dislike the way we actually do grow which looks more like slapping 30 neighborhoods at once on a 2 lane road then the newcomers ----- about the lack of strip malls and fast-food joints despite moving for the" small-town atmosphere" then a few strip malls get slapped up, the area becomes unaffordable and either decays if parent city begins to stagnate, or the next area over begins the cycle anew. I'm absolutely very pro-growth, I just despise the pattern of growth in the south. I can also acknowledge the bs of a state like California which through overregulation on development created a massive housing crisis, crippling its middle class. There are 2 extremes at play here, a happy medium can be achieved that satisfies all parties.
Cities compete just like the free market for the best citizens... If a citizen doesn't like Two lane roads and 30 neighborhoods they can move to somewhere that has four lane roads.
The thing is a lot of this money does go to the greater good. A percentage of my evil developer money is dedicated to affordable housing, and tree conservation, and wetland protections, building parks and.....money for big public engineering schools like the one you go to. Every semester students from your school work on our projects and we teach them how to effectively design a project. If as a city your not growing, then your dying, comparing our areas to those out west that boomed decades ago doesn't make sense. We are growing, and fortunately it's happening now when there are measures in place that atleast govern the construction.
8 billion people aren’t doing what’s best for themselves. I don’t worry about what is sustainable or not either.
Herein lies a value difference . I value being able to take hikes , drink clean water , have stretches of uninterrupted nature , and know that the surrounding habitat supports a diverse array of species . It’s my values , we clearly aren’t going to come to terms so I should probably stop bringing it up. I just can’t help it though, I feel strongly .
The thing is a lot of this money does go to the greater good. A percentage of my evil developer money is dedicated to affordable housing, and tree conservation, and wetland protections, building parks and.....money for big public engineering schools like the one you go to. Every semester students from your school work on our projects and we teach them how to effectively design a project. If as a city your not growing, then your dying, comparing our areas to those out west that boomed decades ago doesn't make sense. We are growing, and fortunately it's happening now when there are measures in place that atleast govern the construction.
I can acknowledge it’s better today , I thank god Raleigh took off in the 2000s and not the dang 50s and 60s like Atlanta . Also a city not growing is not necessarily dying , also the levels of tree conservation developers do are an absolute joke . I’m sorry but it is . What’s the requirement these days ? 10%? I know it varies by city .
Herein lies a value difference . I value being able to take hikes , drink clean water , have stretches of uninterrupted nature , and know that the surrounding habitat supports a diverse array of species . It’s my values , we clearly aren’t going to come to terms so I should probably stop bringing it up. I just can’t help it though, I feel strongly .
Nothing wrong with that my man. The good thing about the USA is that people are able to view the world differently.
I can acknowledge it’s better today , I thank god Raleigh took off in the 2000s and not the dang 50s and 60s like Atlanta . Also a city not growing is not necessarily dying , also the levels of tree conservation developers do are an absolute joke . I’m sorry but it is . What’s the requirement these days ? 10%? I know it varies by city .
Around here it’s 3/1 outside the city limits. Inside the city limits we just pay the CIO off.
I can acknowledge it’s better today , I thank god Raleigh took off in the 2000s and not the dang 50s and 60s like Atlanta . Also a city not growing is not necessarily dying , also the levels of tree conservation developers do are an absolute joke . I’m sorry but it is . What’s the requirement these days ? 10%? I know it varies by city .
Yeah Raleigh is like 10-15% based on zoning district. Cary has a longterm goal of 56% tree Canopy coverage. You see it as 10%, I see it as 1 million dollars on a 10 million dollar land deal. That's enough to kill some projects.
Yeah Raleigh is like 10-15% based on zoning district. Cary has a longterm goal of 56% tree Canopy coverage. You see it as 10%, I see it as 1 million dollars on a 10 million dollar land deal. That's enough to kill some projects.
You think southeast Wake is going to continue to grow and property values continue to rise? I think 540 is supposed to be complete down here in 2023, if I'm remembering right. We'll be about 3 miles away from an on-ramp, just outside of the loop.
You think southeast Wake is going to continue to grow and property values continue to rise? I think 540 is supposed to be complete down here in 2023, if I'm remembering right. We'll be about 3 miles away from an on-ramp, just outside of the loop.
The growth rate from the last few years isn't sustainable but our area will boom because of 540. The new neighborhoods putting houses with no barrier in between will I think be less appealing than the bit older ones that still had more spacing and larger lots(atleast I'm hoping too). It won't be done in 2023 in its entirety but I think a couple segments will be close by then. The last section will be the run north up to Knightdale. We have major projects going on in Southeast Wake and Downtown South where the stadium is going will be our side of towns North Hills so lots going on.
Yeah Raleigh is like 10-15% based on zoning district. Cary has a longterm goal of 56% tree Canopy coverage. You see it as 10%, I see it as 1 million dollars on a 10 million dollar land deal. That's enough to kill some projects.
56% is doable , the sprawled nature of southern cities allows for the large tree canopies . Pretty sure Charlotte is right at 50% with Raleigh around that too.
Same ----. Different day.
Unless you’re going to tie yourself to a tree and hug it, and try to do something about sprawl, there’s no use in the argument that keeps ongoing! Change and progress, are inevitable! Let’s talk about snow!
Unless you’re going to tie yourself to a tree and hug it, and try to do something about sprawl, there’s no use in the argument that keeps ongoing! Change and progress, are inevitable! Let’s talk about snow!
Hey , make fun of a guy with values . Prolly makes you feel better about your own self . I do want to do something about it . That’s life , you make any noise whether right or wrong people want you to be quiet because complacency is comfort .
Hey , make fun of a guy with values . Prolly makes you feel better about your own self . I do want to do something about it . That’s life , you make any noise whether right or wrong people want you to be quiet because complacency is comfort .
Me and my microchip from the vaccine,are doing just fine
I for the life of me can't understand why yall are salty we had a debate about this. We debated in a nice manner without insulting, and in the proper thread, yet some yall still got an issue? Hell, there are folks on here blabbering the same stuff 24/7 in the wrong threads and it slides by. Yet a friendly discussion in the right thread cant? I'm definitely mildly irritated, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells a lot of the time on here and am very mindful of what I say and where generally.