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Misc 2021-22 Fall/Winter Whamby Thread

That's about 15 miles to the right in that picture. Lol.
Sad . Big sad . Once upon a time there was a great state that was gifted by god tons of natural beauty , and an opportunity to uplift its state and provide countless opportunities without destroying its beauty . That state chose to bulldoze over everything from Murphy to Manteo and destroy the gift god gave it . I have faith in god though, he will restore balance .
Sad . Big sad . Once upon a time there was a great state that was gifted by god tons of natural beauty , and an opportunity to uplift its state and provide countless opportunities without destroying its beauty . That state chose to bulldoze over everything from Murphy to Manteo and destroy the gift god gave it . I have faith in god though, he will restore balance .
That state is just on up the road. By God West Virginia. That's what you get when you don't attract businesses and young intelligent professionals to an area. They have a good mining industry from the past. I'm sure that's great for the environment.
Sad . Big sad . Once upon a time there was a great state that was gifted by god tons of natural beauty , and an opportunity to uplift its state and provide countless opportunities without destroying its beauty . That state chose to bulldoze over everything from Murphy to Manteo and destroy the gift god gave it . I have faith in god though, he will restore balance .
God gifted us with the natural beauty of money. It’s beautiful.
That state is just on up the road. By God West Virginia. That's what you get when you don't attract businesses and young intelligent professionals to an area. They have a good mining industry from the past. I'm sure that's great for the environment.
You ever heard of Oregon? Washington? Massachusetts? All states that did both successfully. NC isn't the worst but its certainly not as good as it could be.
God gifted us with the natural beauty of money. It’s beautiful.
I still can't understand you, man. You upset by increased traffic, col, and decreased qol, so you move further out. At the same time you move further out, and repeat the cycle, pushing for that same growth until it sickens you only to pack up and leave again when you get the chance. That's what you call carpetbagging!
I still can't understand you, man. You upset by increased traffic, col, and decreased qol, so you move further out. At the same time you move further out, and repeat the cycle, pushing for that same growth until it sickens you only to pack up and leave again when you get the chance. That's what you call carptetbagging!
Yea that’s kinda the plan to be honest. Keep moving , keep growing until I make enough money where I can hide behind the golden gates.
Yea that’s kinda the plan to be honest. Keep moving , keep growing until I make enough money where I can hide behind the golden gates.
I cant for the life of me get behind or understand that kind of thinking. Our values are so different, heck it's not even a Christian value to do that, yet you are Christian! I sometimes wonder if you are being serious about all that lol.
I cant for the life of me get behind or understand that kind of thinking. Our values are so different, heck it's not even a Christian value to do that, yet you are Christian! I sometimes wonder if you are being serious about all that lol.
I don’t know what Christian has to do with wanting money. I’m a good person just like you.
I don’t know what Christian has to do with wanting money. I’m a good person just like you.
It's not that, it's the hypocrisy behind it. It's quite a selfish view, take as much as you can no matter the cost, create what you don't want for yourself and then leave it for others only to finally get to the point where you can gatekeep and prevent the same growth you benefited off of. I doubt 65-year-old nosnowatl living in his 10 acres property with the big house will be too happy if development starts knocking around his area. You keep running away from it. Same for @Thor who owns rural property, wonder how he would feel if that area became not so rural. It's a value difference, yall are ok with a dog eat dog world, and screw the negative side effects of my actions. I'm not ok with that. Especially not when there are 8 billion people who all want the same thing. Not enough for everyone to live like a king. I cant help but feel strongly about this. I value more than money and a big house.
It's not that, it's the hypocrisy behind it. It's quite a selfish view, take as much as you can no matter the cost, create what you don't want for yourself and then leave it for others only to finally get to the point where you can gatekeep and prevent the same growth you benefited off of. I doubt 65-year-old nosnowatl living in his 10 acres property with the big house will be too happy if development starts knocking around his area. You keep running away from it. Same for @Thor who owns rural property, wonder how he would feel if that area became not so rural. It's a value difference, yall are ok with a dog eat dog world, and screw the negative side effects of my actions. I'm not ok with that. Especially not when there are 8 billion people who all want the same thing. Not enough for everyone to live like a king. I cant help but feel strongly about this. I value more than money and a big house.
That's the American way. You're supposed to build wealth to hand down to future generations. There's definitely nothing wrong with making money, especially if it keeps people from having to move to small towns that have shootings every night apparently with no chance of getting a good job.
It's not that, it's the hypocrisy behind it. It's quite a selfish view, take as much as you can no matter the cost, create what you don't want for yourself and then leave it for others only to finally get to the point where you can gatekeep and prevent the same growth you benefited off of. I doubt 65-year-old nosnowatl living in his 10 acres property with the big house will be too happy if development starts knocking around his area. You keep running away from it. Same for @Thor who owns rural property, wonder how he would feel if that area became not so rural. It's a value difference, yall are ok with a dog eat dog world, and screw the negative side effects of my actions. I'm not ok with that. Especially not when there are 8 billion people who all want the same thing. Not enough for everyone to live like a king.
People create what the don’t want everyday. It’s called the real word. As I’ve said before I do what’s best for me not you. Is that selfish? Maybe but if I don’t someone else will and they will capitalize on it. It’s a dog eat dog world so having tough skin is the name of the game. In this world you have poor people and rich people and that’s just the way it is and always will be. I choose to work to be rich not please or make it fair for everyone.
That's the American way. You're supposed to build wealth to hand down to future generations. There's definitely nothing wrong with making money, especially if it keeps people from having to move to small towns that have shootings every night apparently with no chance of getting a good job.
Yall are disregarding what making money entails. Also, why resort to that extreme? Sustainable growth and environmental protection is a thing you know. There is absolutely nothing sustainable about growth patterns in the southern us. I'm not anti-growth nor am I even anti my own town growing, I like it, I love new small businesses and people. However, I dislike the way we actually do grow which looks more like slapping 30 neighborhoods at once on a 2 lane road then the newcomers ----- about the lack of strip malls and fast-food joints despite moving for the" small-town atmosphere" then a few strip malls get slapped up, the area becomes unaffordable and either decays if parent city begins to stagnate, or the next area over begins the cycle anew. I'm absolutely very pro-growth, I just despise the pattern of growth in the south. I can also acknowledge the bs of a state like California which through overregulation on development created a massive housing crisis, crippling its middle class. There are 2 extremes at play here, a happy medium can be achieved that satisfies all parties.
People create what the don’t want everyday. It’s called the real word. As I’ve said before I do what’s best for me not you. Is that selfish? Maybe but if I don’t someone else will and they will capitalize on it. It’s a dog eat dog world so having tough skin is the name of the game. In this world you have poor people and rich people and that’s just the way it is and always will be. I choose to work to be rich not please or make it fair for everyone.
How is 8 billion people all doing what's best for themselves and screw the rest even remotely sustainable?