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Misc 2020 Banter Thread

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Hey mods , can I get a raise please ? Y’all wanted more members from other places . I got y’all a guy from Miami and my other buddy from Portland should have joined . Apparently he couldn’t make it past the captcha though .
For this next system I've looked at Linville/Grandfather Mountain and Blowing Rock area. It appears the Clingman's Dome area has the best shot. Is route 441 a road anyone on here has driven? Going up to the pass on it.
If there’s a significant threat of ice on 441 around there they’ll close it in a heartbeat
I've actually never been to Raleigh
It’s different a bit than Atlanta and Charlotte . Large land grant university ( NCSU) , seems to be more large parks and outdoor activities than both cities as well. Definitely way way way more than Charlotte , our trail system is millions of light years ahead of charlottes . You can walk all over Raleigh and it’s suburbs using the trail system . Think our food scene punches far above its weight as well, many restaurants rank nationally here . Small downtown in comparison to both , Raleigh as a city only began to really grow in the early 2000s and late 90s. Much later than Charlotte and much much later than Atlanta . We also held on to our historic sites way better than Charlotte with many historic sites unlike Charlotte which bulldozed them all. I guess way to describe Raleigh is a small town feel in a medium sized city , that’s how i hear transplants describe it . Also most new movers to Raleigh are from North Carolina believe it or not as opposed to out of state which is the case in Atlanta and Charlotte .

Other than that , can’t think of much that’s different . We have nice large lakes surrounded by thousands of acres of forest instead of houses . There is that!
This is it, the one, and exactly how I feel, i miss waking up, going out to the pool, then getting some food, then setting my camera up, taking pictures of afternoon/evening storms (sometimes all the way past midnight) then getting on the PS4 after, I miss those days
Man! Enjoy that while you can. Mine is wake up 2 hours before sunrise and drive somewhere in Atlanta. Work until 5 or so and drive back (thank God for the express lanes). Say hey to the kids and feed the animals. Cook supper, put the kids to bed and fall asleep on the couch until bed time. Things change fast.
Man! Enjoy that while you can. Mine is wake up 2 hours before sunrise and drive somewhere in Atlanta. Work until 5 or so and drive back (thank God for the express lanes). Say hey to the kids and feed the animals. Cook supper, put the kids to bed and fall asleep on the couch until bed time. Things change fast.
That is nuts , it’s crazy you have to get up so early for work . You’re pretty far out from Atlanta , combined with traffic I see why.
Man! Enjoy that while you can. Mine is wake up 2 hours before sunrise and drive somewhere in Atlanta. Work until 5 or so and drive back (thank God for the express lanes). Say hey to the kids and feed the animals. Cook supper, put the kids to bed and fall asleep on the couch until bed time. Things change fast.
Wow. That sounds like a horrible way to live. But if you are happy that's all that matters.
Man! Enjoy that while you can. Mine is wake up 2 hours before sunrise and drive somewhere in Atlanta. Work until 5 or so and drive back (thank God for the express lanes). Say hey to the kids and feed the animals. Cook supper, put the kids to bed and fall asleep on the couch until bed time. Things change fast.
I’m with you. Pre Covid I drive to Atlanta everyday. Thankfully I can leave town around 3 or so so traffic is only about 1 1/2 hrs in the afternoon.
I don't know how people can handle the crazy Atlanta traffic.
I just turned down a job transfer to Atlanta where I would be driving around North Georgia all day long in and out of Atlanta... I rather make less money than deal with that.
I don’t dislike summer, because it signifies a break for me and I enjoy just chilling and traveling for a couple months. The weather is good for swimming, beach trips and such. I just prefer cold
If getting a break is the only reason you don't dislike summer then you for sure won't like summer when you are an adult and don't get a summer break !
I don't know how people can handle the crazy Atlanta traffic.

Haha I used to say that when I lived in Bama

Now I don't know how people deal with Dallas traffic. I'd rather die lol. Fortunately I live up in a small suburb but it's not very far to the traffic even here. I've also heard of people here driving 2 hours into the metro for work and it boggles my mind honestly
[mention]metwannabe [/mention]Was over your way today. Spent some money in Riverside Mills and then had dinner at Ralph’s. Stopped by the ABC store by Riverside Mills and found out you guys have a distillery. That’s gonna be in two weeks I think!!
I havnt driven on a highway since I’ve moved here! It’s great! I have a 15 minute commute to and from work, on a 4 lane rural highway! Have driven as far as Madison Wisconsin, no interstates! It’s great up here!

I live really close to work too that's one reason I've stayed here as long as I have I don't even have to get on the highway if I don't want to I do take little drives when I'm off work a lot though but yeah after about 10 miles to my west thats usually plenty of traffic lmao

And 95% of the time everything I need is in this little area above Dallas so that helps although even up here more and more people are moving here and the highways keep expanding it's crazy like where I live and my work wasn't here 20 years ago I keep joking that soon the DFW metro will be into Oklahoma but that is the way it's expanding lol
I have two jobs one of which is outdoors (Golf teaching professional) which is nice except when it's not since it's constantly 88F and humid here.
My record number of jobs held was 6. A restaurant , a gym , a moving company , a landscaping company , another job at the gym , and the hospital. I technically hold 4 positions now but really only work 3 ! A personal trainer , another role at the gym, and at a restaurant , I’m also still with the moving company and technically the landscaping too.

Also ... “ golf teaching professional “ pffft come on aj you and I know you are terrible at golf ! ;)
Yikes, I’m not a morning person so work the night shift and don’t get up till 10AM. Use to hate having to wake up at 5am to go to work.

Haha I am usually in bed til close to noon with my schedule

What's odd is on vacation I'm always up bright and early lol
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