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Got my pre emergent alreadyTime to get that yard work completed
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Got my pre emergent alreadyTime to get that yard work completed
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Very important runs today cheers or tears ?
Originally posted Jan 16, 2019. Still True Now ... Rinse RepeatWINTER STORMS CANCELED!!! I am with Brick dagnabit!!! How dare the Ensembles runs show snow 6 7 8+ days and take them away and change them to rain. I Couldn't care less about Pattern changing or Ensembles showing a snow storm to track 9 10+ days out only to turn them to rain as they get closer and then show more winter storms for the next week and repeat.
Kicking the Can down the Road. These models can not be consistent more than 6 hours at a time. Now, Now you gonna tell me just wait the pattern is starting to settle in and come Fab Feb we are all gonna get buried.
BULL HONKY!!! when that cold air does finally show up you gonna tell me it surpressing the southern flow to Cuba.
Well I Say NO THANK YOU SIR!!! NO Thank you. I am official canceling WINTER STORMS IN THE SOUTH EAST. NO Snow For You. Nothing to see here just go home.....
Better than 2020 at least. I'm glad we are at least seeing LR cold rather than just back to back warm shots.Originally posted Jan 16, 2019. Still True Now ... Rinse Repeat
Couple more euro runs and you got it
Don't worry, May through Sept will be here before you know it.
" Translation:I want a guy that treats me like you do, but who has a lot more money.
Yeah, let's just get to this. The sooner we get to June 21st, the better.
GEFS looks horrible so I don't know why anyone would give the OP the time of day...The 12z GFS is raising hopes in the Kong thread only to crush again. Don’t trust the 7 day storm, overdone cold (Brownsville ice not happening), PV location. PV can’t decide if it wants to live in western or eastern Canada.
It’s mainly me so far so if you could @ me next time I’d appreciate it
Yeah I was just pissed about snow lol sorryHighly presumptuous of you to think I’m posting at you. If I want to come @ someone I will.
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Yeah I was just pissed about snow lol sorry
?Don’t care what happens here over the next week as long as it stays dry in Daytona
Lol I was actually looking for this gif a few days ago. Definitely saving it this time
At least there’s a lot of snow cover to our north now! ?
Its amazing in a way how you got so many thing we didn't have last winter and aren't able to get a consistent cold pattern.At least there’s a lot of snow cover to our north now! ?
I bet this trends wonderfully for those that have been winning so far.
I saw an article a few weeks back saying that Nashville along with a few other cities had the biggest yearly average snow decline in the USA. I believe it was talking about the 30 year average from 20 years ago compared to the most recent 30 year average. When I first moved here I think the yearly average was 11.1 or maybe even 13 inches per year in the city of Nashville itself. That was the 1960-1990 30 year average. I guarantee it is probably closer to 4 inches now that we are including the 2010s in the 30 year. I would kill to have an average winter snowfall of 12-15 inches of snow. It’s a big big difference on frequency of snowfalls and accumulating snows then if you are only getting 4-6 Per winter. That’s what’s hard about living here. Yes we get more snow then a lot of the south that isn’t at elevation but just 130 or so miles north in Louisville Kentucky they do so much better with an yearly average snow in the 13-15 inch range. So close but yet so far away when your raining and the radar is blue 60 miles away.I don't understand why so many people on here seem to want Brick to fail to get snow. He's just a snow weenie like the rest of us.
Also, when Brick gets snow, I usually get snow as well, so I can't help but root for him to get it. RDU just had its least snowy decade on record, it's not like we are in the middle of an all time great stretch for snow in this area, as some posters would seem to suggest. We just aren't sucking as much as other parts of the south, though there have been storms where we got nothing and other areas scored, like December 2017.