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Misc 2019 Banter & Friendly Conservation

Another thing on the hype train... temps... it was just a few days ago the news was hyping how brutally, deathly cold it was going to get, yet the predicted lows were only in the 20s or maybe upper teens. I clearly remember MANY times throughout my childhood when temps dropped into the teens and single digits. They act like it’s earth shattering to get temps in the teens these days.

Rant over
My experience in these situations (and being burned many years ago when first following weather models) is as follows.
1. The cold air is usually slower to arrive than modeled.
2. The back edge dries up quickly as earnest CAA kicks in.
3. Many times these “cold chasing moisture” scenarios end up with flurries at best on the backside.
4. The 3km NAM and RGEM blended is the best way to go in the short range.

Having said that I sure hope this event turns out differently but trusting the globals over high res models this close usually isn’t a good idea. Good luck everyone, I hope you get a nice snow!
It’s definitely a cold chasing moisture setup. Temperatures through the entire column have to cool enough before snow can fall and is the reason the RGEM and 3km NAM are very light with snow and show mostly rain before a brief ending as snow. Global models struggle to pick these things up. Trust me, I learned the hard way many years ago when I first started following the weather closely and watching models.
Wishing you guys the best of luck, I don’t see the NWS or global models verifying with this one but hope you all do see some snow!

I posted these yesterday evening in the main thread for the snow. Following the 3km NAM and RGEM could have really saved the NWS from the heat they’re getting after this fail...

Also don’t forget the rules Rain Cold posted... following the warmest model (RGEM in this case) usually ends up being pretty accurate here in the south...
Tstorms in the gulf robbing moisture? Why the deathly cold air didn’t arrive in time, guess Chicago robbed it! :(2FEAE78A-F6E8-400C-AA7D-340773D15BA0.png
Thing is you can’t wait until 5am day of to make that call for schools. That’s too late. Do we all forget that school do build into there schedules for weather days.
So how many days will you and @Webberweather53 get suspended from work with no pay for missing this one..???????hahahaha j/k. This one is going to be hard to shallow for a lot of people.
TWC hit copy/paste for their 15 day forecast
There job is to get the forecast correct, yet they are wrong literally almost every time in GA. They need to be held accountable for their failures.

2014: Snow jam, they said it was not gonna impact the city that bad. SMH
2016: Forecasted 4 inches for the city, ended up with inches of rain. ZERO frozen precip. SMH
2017: Forecast an inch for the city and maybe no accumulations due to temps. City gets about 5 inches and just NW record snowfall. SMH
2018: Forecast an inch an shutdown the city. City gets rain, not even close for snow.

This is inexcusable.
They predicted 0-1 inch for Metro Atlanta yesterday. At no point did FFC put any part of metro Atlanta under a winter storm warning nor did they say to anticipate a big event. If anything the governor and the media overhyped this.
Not going to lie 2/7-9 isn't a bad look

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I thought the first two weeks were a torch? According to some
Thing is you can’t wait until 5am day of to make that call for schools. That’s too late. Do we all forget that school do build into there schedules for weather days.

That’s inaccurate. I lived it. My Father was a school principal and I remember many times when school was cancelled or not the morning of. I can remember going to school 2 times one January when there was snow on the ground but none on the roads.