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Wintry ❄The Christmas Miracle❄(12-24/12-25)

No one said it was a big deal. If we can get a dusting or even an 1” like the NWS said we could in my area I’ll be like a kid on Christmas (eve)

I definitely would not be expecting an inch of snow in Cumming. Drive to the higher elevations on N. GA, I could see it. A dusting- maybe. But it will be very isolated in regards to who may get a dusting.
I’m all in on a novelty flake. Not expecting much here in Madison/Huntsville, but it would be nice to see some falling even if it doesn’t stick. I don’t post much but I appreciate everyone on this board. I learn a lot just by reading the more knowledgeable posters. Thanks everyone.
Euro basically shows “snow in the mountains/E TN with flurries possible for areas outside “ View attachment 59508


This is a much better depiction of what to expect for the SE. Good gracious, it’s Christmas. Quit hating on me for having some amateur knowledge when it comes to snow in the SE. Been here all my life.
That’s more like it.
Exactly, imo it trended better with that energy associated with the clipper, and has more moist Profiles with the N/S energy, which supports the ideas of scattered snow flurries around much of the SE, that’s a Win with a cold Christmas, and way better than the oven roast we’ve been in the past several years on Christmas 27F68370-FCA2-4EFC-81F1-D3F8615918EF.pngECAC8498-9B1D-4BAE-9C17-05CB65A177A0.png5F5B8734-5D28-432D-9404-EC16DD59A3DA.png
Exactly, imo it trended better with that energy associated with the clipper, and has more moist Profiles with the N/S energy, which supports the ideas of scattered snow flurries around much of the SE, that’s a Win with a cold Christmas, and way better than the oven roast we’ve been in the past several years on Christmas View attachment 59509View attachment 59510View attachment 59511
I think we will see some dry flurries and that a win in my book. I’m on to January for a actual storm hopefully.
I think we will see some dry flurries and that a win in my book. I’m on to January for a actual storm hopefully.

Yeah towards the New Years we get the possible miller B look and then after that big block might retrograde towards a position that’s ?
I’m pretty sure some will find out what a real snow is soon, especially as we get that possible SSWE/+EAMT driven +PNA/blocking combo

This is a much better depiction of what to expect for the SE. Good gracious, it’s Christmas. Quit hating on me for having some amateur knowledge when it comes to snow in the SE. Been here all my life.
The problem is that everyone knows how difficult it is to get snow out of a set-up like this. So, instead of yelling at everyone about why it will not snow, tell them what has to happen in order for them to get something more substantial. That's what folks want to know. Trends....
Truth is, betting against snow regionally, is like shooting fish in a barrel. 95% of the time, it takes no skill to make that call. Threading that proverbial needle is a 40+ year hobby. Hell, I'll still squint at a damn spotlight in hopes of seeing a flake. I'm that idiot with a halogen flashlight hoping to illuminate that one damn flake as it melts on contact. You think if there is a 30% chance of a measly flurry, on Christmas Eve no less, that and I am not going to track it? Call me unrealistic all you want and kiss my butt too! It's what I do! :)