Yeah I looked at the wrong wave at first. It was slower.
The trailer is starting to catch up at hr 60. its not that far off from the 18z run. it has DEF been slower this run, but it appears to be catching upThe s/w over the Hudson Bay digging more is one reason why our trailer looks slower & weaker, the more it digs, the more the heights to its west rise, which slows down and weakens the trailer a tad. That trend needs to come to a halt
slp developing closer to Fl coast this run
To me, it appears that the heights are starting to rise in the West Atlantic as well vs previous runs...maybe not thoughLol the spurious vort lobe east of FL is gone on this GFS run and isn't a surprise given the convective feedback issues I alluded to earlier
Yep CMC looks terribleCmc no go
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I know that's a positive tilt trough, but what do you call that type of orientation? Shouldn't the wave be more in a upright "U" shape for a storm system to form?
Well, hopefully the CMC isn't a no go due to similar reasons with the NAM.
Yep. A vorticity spoke churned around the Hudson Bay vortex and caused a slight deviation in the trailer dive...but missed it but altered it enough to cause a problem
On a lighter note, if the UKMET still can hold onto its 12z solution...breathe a sigh of relief. If UKMET gets worse...well...
How can it ever be trusted for tropical development if that is the case? ;/Convective feedback issues really start hurting the GFS beyond 72 hours, creates a fictitious vortex NE of our main low center off the SE coast. Smh this model is a piece of crap when there's a lot of diabatic heating involved
How come a low dosen't develop sooner? Is it because of that monstrous 1050-1040mb high pressure? Because the trough is positively tilted before the wave is over the southwestern Atlantic.A storm can form if the wave is positively, neutrally, or negatively tilted, the negatively tilted trough is inherently unstable and draws energy from the jet stream at its expense and favors a low developing more quickly
How can it ever be trusted for tropical development if that is the case? ;/
Can you post an image I wanna seeUKMET East. Darn. On to the next.
UKMET is phase happy. Very bad signs it does not phase quickly for 00z.
So this could be a one time error? No?Bottom line is tonight, a vorticity spike off the Hudson Bay Vortex altered our trailer wave enough for a totally different result... chaos theory and butterfly effect.