Whether we get snow or not, it’s a shame that with all the technology we have these days the weather models still suck as bad as they do! If this misses with all the hype I’m not sure it will ever snow again !
. Eye roll emoji!

Same18Z GFS up and running, who's predicting worse, better, or totally different? I'm going totally different because that seems to be the theme today.
I’m getting tired of seeing all of the ways we can fail on the 9-12 system…![]()
Blowing off the mountain. I've seen that happen in Mt.Airy snowing lightly not a cloud overheadI just twittered this, but there is literally a legit snow flurry without a cloud anywhere near overhead.
View attachment 159141
Cold and Dry for you the next 10 days. Enjoy.I hate this mapView attachment 159163
PivotalDo you all prefer weathermodels or weatherbell?
Nothing from duke producesNeed to call duke energy tomorrow and tell them my street light isn't producing flurries
Need to call duke energy tomorrow and tell them my street light isn't producing flurries
Sensor goodLeave it to RDU to report flurries at 44 degrees
Yeah right .... that just proves their temp sensor is most likely incorrect.Leave it to RDU to report flurries at 44 degrees
It can snow at 44....probably is knowing Raleigh.Yeah right .... that just proves their temp sensor is most likely incorrect.
I saw it snow June 3-6th with temps in the 70s in PCB 2004.I saw it snow at 51 briefly.
WutI can't post maps anymore, Is there somewhere I need to look to delete stored stuff?
You tell me? haha. When I click the "drop image" button, nothing happens... same thing if I try clicking the red "attach files" button.
Sounds like a hell of a time to be tracking! And a great payoff too. Who doesn't love a nice soaking cold rainHello everyone! I don’t post a lot here but iv been lurking in the shadows and wanted to let you guys know about a time I remember when I was young. The polar vortex was dipping down way south with tons of energy flying around. The models went back and forth for days with solutions of nothing burgers to huge bombs off the coast. Finally the day got here and it was a cold rain. The year was 2025 I believe. Anyways just wanted to give everyone hope!
How are you accessing the siteYou tell me? haha. When I click the "drop image" button, nothing happens... same thing if I try clicking the red "attach files" button.