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Wintry February 19-21, 2020 Winter Storm

These models don't know where that's going to go in 5 days. If I was placing money on it I'd wager that Chattanooga should get ready for snow.

I guess I have to wait until the event unfolds to turn this ticket in? Seems like every single event Chattanoogoa gets hit. If they don't get snow then the rest of us aren't and vice versa.

I'm riding this model
Can someone tell me what the use is for the WRF ARW? I don't think I've ever seen it be right.
I’m prbly more interested in now ast for this than I’ve been for long time. We’ve had a few bones thrown at East metro ATL. I’m 40 mi East rt on I-20. I don’t expect much besides backside flurry but maybe just maybe......we can get a surprise dusting/inch.
Seems the models that want to give some frozen precip to Atlanta are also coming in the furthest North. That leaves the moisture going the longest giving Atl area enough time for the temps to drop on the back side.


What I've been trying to figure out this entire model cycle is why the 850 just hits the brakes on the TN/KY line and pause there for close to 24 hours?!? They slide in OK and then when they hit the gas again they slide down South fast after the moisture. I'm guessing it's the placement the midwest high but I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand it.

I can only show a 5 hour GIF so the file ins't too large. But it stays in the same spot until hour 21.

850 TN KY.gif
I’m sticking with the dusting to 2 inches upstate north of 85. nam pretty much confirms that.

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