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Misc Winter Whamby 2020, a New Decade

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It's not every single storm and honestly they didn't waffle back and forth that much, if you'd look at more than just snow over your area you'd know this...... oh never mind.

It does happen more often than not when we do end up with a legit storm threat here for my area. And they have been back and forth a lot with the final solution for NC the past few days. Not sure how anyone can argue that.
I think many of us are wanting our winters to go back to what they were like back in the 80s, but I think we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives for that to happen. It is what it is
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It does happen more often than not when we do end up with a legit storm threat here for my area. And they have been back and forth a lot with the final solution for NC the past few days. Not sure how anyone can argue that.
Not sure how anyone can't learn by now
Not sure how anyone can't learn by now

What have I said that is wrong? Where has the consistency been the last few days with the solution that the GFS and Euro have shown with this threat? They have both gone from big storm to nothing, and now back to big storm again with the Euro the last run. It seems like you are taking it personal for some reason because I am not saying the models have been rock steady with their solutions each run. That has not been the case.

And I didn't know personal insults by mods were cool here.
Whatever happens will happen. Just enjoy the ride. Right now NC is looking like they will win the game with the last Euro run. Of course, the tide can turn with future runs. That's what makes this so fun, watching it go back and forth like a basketball game. Just hope we don't lose at the buzzer.
What have I said that is wrong? Where has the consistency been the last few days with the solution that the GFS and Euro have shown with this threat? They have both gone from big storm to nothing, and now back to big storm again with the Euro the last run. It seems like you are taking it personal for some reason because I am not saying the models have been rock steady with their solutions each run. That has not been the case.

And I didn't know personal insults by mods were cool here.
It's been explained, you've said the same thing over and over and over and over again. And trust me I don't take it personal, good grief just trying to get you to understand but I digress. You win, models lost it, brought it back probably lose it again
No offense to Ilovesnow, but I surmise a small faction of posters believe if they complain enough that it'll change or heighten their chances for snow. Guess what? It doesn't matter. Mother Nature doesn't have a mind.

I know this is the Whamby thread, but I still don't nor ever will understand anyone constantly complaining about lack of snow. It's not gonna change anything nor make the complainer(s) feel good once they've vented. It seems it has the opposite effect by making them more frustrated.

By coming on here and complaining a half dozen times or more daily isn't at all productive. It's just clutter, even on the Whamby thread.

I'll say it again, I suggest some of you move or simply find another hobby or distraction.
I understand your point fully but this winter or should I say the last couple of winters has been frustrating
Personally I believe the models will either lose it again or screw it up to the point where it’s a very minute event, I just can’t find the hype behind the system although I’d love to be proved wrong.
Are you really surprised that places where climate averages 4-12 inches are showing a storm while you average essentially 0? Did this potential storm ever even show anything down there? Maybe you are just bringing the full on wamby in here.
Actually the storm did show some potential down here especially a couple days ago only to shift away from this area completely... But honestly it really doesn't matter where a person resides at because we no it can snow anywhere... Yeah I know this is the South but im a die hard snow wennie and loyal to winter weather whenever it comes.. So yeah im only human and get frustrated at times but who doesn't
Actually the storm did show some potential down here especially a couple days ago only to shift away from this area completely... But honestly it really doesn't matter where a person resides at because we no it can snow anywhere... Yeah I know this is the South but im a die hard snow wennie and loyal to winter weather whenever it comes.. So yeah im only human and get frustrated at times but who doesn't
Have fun in Montana
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