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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

And insult to injury, we had a January with below average temps and above average precipitation and still couldn't mange a single flake or pellet. I don't have a clue anymore.
Yeah to me that stings just as much as the pattern going to crap in February. I honestly am not sure I’ve ever seen a January or February for that matter be below average on temperatures and not manage at least one winter weather event for the CLT area. It especially stings to know the pattern and set up was there, we just couldn’t get the timing
Especially in mountains and lake effect snow belts.
Yeah I would imagine that especially parts of northern Indiana and western NY would see more snow in a milder than average winter because the lakes never freeze up and they can see Lake Effect snow the whole season
Not only did RDU not get any measurable snow this winter, RDU didn't even get any non-measurable snow this winter. The final total will be 0.0". Not a trace, not a snowflake, not an ice pellet, not any freezing rain. The closest thing to any frozen precipitation all winter in this region was a few isolated flakes on December 18th near Clayton. At least 2005-06 and 2022-23 had a trace event or two...
we have absolutely torched in Tennessee outside of one extremely cold week in January which was the coldest 7 day stretch in like 20 or so years. Because we got a big Snow that week most spots are above or right at average for the winter despite the heat. would you rather have one 6-12 inch snow and torch the rest of winter? Or would you rather be very cold all winter and get Nickel and dime events that resulted in no more then 2-3 inches for the winter? To me any big snow in the south east makes winter a grade of no worse then B-. That’s where I’m at but if not for that 7inch snow it would be an easy F-

I'd much rather just have one big storm tbh. I think that's one reason I've been so annoyed about this winter because we haven't had more than 2 inches at once since February 2022 and we've had two storms that we were 1 degree away from beating that in both the last 2 winters. Yeah I mean at least we saw something but again our climo is a lot better too so I expect more here. That's the only problem when I moved north is I feel like automatically I just assumed it would be a lot better when in reality its really not

But I know when the 2022 storm happened I didn't care anymore after that if it snowed or not. This year obviously I didn't feel that way. Even after going to Colorado im still just like where did it go wrong this winter. We were just so close this year but never got there. I mean heck 3 hours up the road has 15-20 inches of snow. All I wanted was to for it just once translate down here
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Snow squall line incoming! This baby is convective! It was 76 today !! No way it can stick with raging ground temps and high sun angle! 🥴🥴4D3825DA-620A-4A0B-8E1C-5DFD1FA6119E.png
You know I did!

My knee is so swollen I only rode two days. I have to be at Cat this weekend so I need to get my knee drained possibly. Getting old sucks.

Yeah I've still been having on and off pain from what I did last week in Colorado. Getting old does suck and I'm noticing it more and more
It's a shame that I'm looking forward to a pencil thin line of low topped showers today. So boring for so long

At least yall get rain. Totally dry here 😩 I don't even remember the last time it rained. Probably the last time it was supposed to snow 🤣