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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

I hope SE Wake gets a light dusting so @Rain Cold won’t have a leg to stand on when the other 99% of this board enters 2025 with a 1000 day snowless streak. That ok by you, RC?
So... whats the verdict is it over?
I hope SE Wake gets a light dusting so @Rain Cold won’t have a leg to stand on when the other 99% of this board enters 2025 with a 1000 day snowless streak. That ok by you, RC?

I swear if we get some weak flurry fest at 37F to end our snowless streak...that would be the ultimate kick in the maracas. We want to fail in style, record breaking fashion...if we lose that than what do we have.
I swear if we get some weak flurry fest at 37F to end our snowless streak...that would be the ultimate kick in the maracas. We want to fail in style, record breaking fashion...if we lose that than what do we have.
This is exactly why I feel like this snowless streak isn’t close to the one in the early 90s. Between the storm on 2/23/1989 and the March storm of 3/13/1993, CLT did not record any measurable snow… there were just a few traces and most those were just a flurry. As frustrating as these last two winters have been, at least we did have a decent winter just two years ago
This event for the NE fell completely apart for a lot of folks. Amazing trends inside 48 hours.

The mid-atlantic is going to back into another 3-5" event though.

This event for the NE fell completely apart for a lot of folks. Amazing trends inside 48 hours.

The mid-atlantic is going to back into another 3-5" event though.

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Been keeping up with this one, Euro is south of most guidance right now. Going to be still a good storm for the northern MA and NE areas. Funny thing is HRRR is trying to give me a little backend precip tomorrow morning which was not even an idea yesterday.
That faint screaming you hear is those who live farther north.

Lol but see that's just it though I don't want to live in a place where snow is no big deal and honestly even here like an inch or two doesn't stop everything like it did in Alabama or Dallas so yeah even here you're getting into that range unless it's a big storm

Oh and we have dozens of snow plows that this year are probably growing dust ?

This year was just doomed from the start with the Pacific air tbh... But I mean we still matched last year I guess with an inch and a half in one storm it's just thats so far off our climo but yeah one year it's gonna flip back. I mean the first winter here it snowed over a foot so
I’m glad NY and BOS are gonna get pounded! Their snow drought has been pretty remarkable also!
I just can't believe it. I mean everyone said no way it would be worse than last winter but at least last winter everyone was miserable. I mean between Kansas and Tennessee this year just it's been way worse for me. I don't get it and tbh I don't even care anymore this winter is ruined for me here
Next winter: 2’ or bust for you! ?