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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

Best advice for y’all, and for myself, is to just go outside & enjoy the weather today. Especially if you live in the Carolinas. Highs in the 70s. Just enjoy what’s in front of us. We just suck rear end at Winter right now & there ain’t a thing we can do about it. Yall have a great Saturday!
Here's my pattern change:

Basically back to around normal but without any freezes. Maybe it's time to accept many of us are complete failures at winter anymore. I cannot believe it has been almost 2 years since AVL had any measurable snowfall. Even places like Boone having a rough go.

This map here is truly amazing and tells the tale... where is the snow?

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Here's my pattern change:

View attachment 145986
Basically back to around normal but without any freezes. Maybe it's time to accept many of us are complete failures at winter anymore. I cannot believe it has been almost 2 years since AVL had any measurable snowfall. Even places like Boone having a rough go.

This map here is truly amazing and tells the tale... where is the snow?

View attachment 145987
Trough west/ snow west
Who would've thought you would start up with your GW post again? Pretty wild

Just funny how folks are expecting the same results from a different climate. There were palm trees at the north pole when the climate was 5C warmer and we are at 1.5 now. You can extrapolate from there.

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On the bright side I have to imagine every year we go without snow is a year closer to another blizzard of 93 scenario or at least a very good winter. Eventually something has to reverse course. It has to happen again. Right?
On the bright side I have to imagine every year we go without snow is a year closer to another blizzard of 93 scenario or at least a very good winter. Eventually something has to reverse course. It has to happen again. Right?

Yes but as the years go on the deck is stacked more and more against us.

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Why is everyone so sure winter is over all the sudden. So we had a day or 2 of lousy rums but weeks before of awesome runs including Euro weeklies. These opps can be 30 degrees different anytime from 6+ days out in one run. I bet nothing has really changed and were seeing mid range model chaos. Could be just them trying to figure out the ssw event.

Also, I'm tired of all the GW posts in here. Places in the mid south received extreme cold and 4 to 500% of their average snowfall this year so, yes it can still and eventually will snow.
Yall have a good day, I’m
Not out on next weekend (For NC/VA) …..My dad always told me a saying growing up….. “Son worry about what you can change, keep your head down and keep working and eventually the sun will shine on every dogs ass at some point” At some point everyone will be lucky, but don’t worry about it bc we can’t change it either way.
Every year now it's Russian roulette with a big chunk of the PV diving way south. This wasn't our year.

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The fact that winter is over in 19 days is probably one reason why people feel winter is over.
I know we say that for met winter but it can snow up until April with obviously reduced chances as we progress through March. I know some of you are further south than me but at least here in the NC we still have decent snow chances until March 15th or so. Thats more the date I hang it up here. If the models look bleak March 10th or so, then yes I'm done. That gives me 1 month left to score.