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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

I think we need to listen to Brad Panovich more. He knows what he is talking about. It's time we accept that most of us will not be getting winter weather and move on.
No offense, but you're also the one that said we were going to have a drought this winter. ?
First time observing a ens because I’ve lost a ---- ton of motivation, but judging off these looks, first look, looks favorable for the upper/NW SE perhaps, the mid west/Ohio valley, and MA/NE, lower heights in the Atlantic could perhaps suppress the height field a bit, but the source here initially is still pacific polar, it lacks cold air initially
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This one right here would be the one if it was to produce, TPV extension into the eastern US trough probably means a pretty suppressed height field, with cold in place. which would favor southern solutions. Also can see the southern stream undercutting. The NE US trough/Baja low couplet is an old classic, but do they happen anymore ? Guess we will see. If it doesn’t we can add “Baja lows don’t work like they use to” to the “it doesn’t work like it used to” list
It worked in dec 2018 though
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The funny part is he’s explaining this to us like we’re 5. That’s his cop out. Yeah Brad we really thought Miami was the coldest spot on the map thanks for letting us know
Maybe he knew @Snowlover87 might be reading it ?‍♂️
I thought his comment was cringe tbh but I will leave it alone.

That said it's weird the generally negative posters really bring nothing to the table besides their feels, the generally overly optimistic posters can turn a SER into a raging CAD storm. There's a real lack of digging into what's happening to get a fruitful discussion other than model outcome maps.

I think this thread has become a collector of ---- posts and really the source of toxicity and negativity. I'd love to kill it but the ---- posts would then just go into the main thread
I wish I could help…
  • Haha
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I don't get why people get so emotional about weather. Most of us want snow, but we're not 6 years old anymore. There's way too much sarcastic posting going on. "Hey, I guess this is bad, right?" "Hey MJO P6 is good, right?" "Hey, things don't work like they used to, amirite?" "Hey so and so, I guess this isn't good enough for you, right?" And then people get mad and respond back. And now we have multiple threads mucked up.

Why is this going on every day? Somebody please explain to me why it hurts you so much when somebody makes a skeptical post about a 2 week out potential pattern that you have to get sarcastic. Somebody please explain to me why it hurts you so much when somebody makes a positive post about a 2 week out potential pattern that you have get sarcastic. If you don't like what someone is showing or explaining, just ignore it or disagree and discuss it like a real grown up with maturity and responsibility and character. Why is this so hard? This isn't life or death stuff here.
Because they have nothing serious going on in their life, or it’s so boring, they need to cause drama somewhere!
And everybody needs a hug! ???
Brad has always been anti-snow! Don’t know why this is shocking to most??