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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

I mean modeling can only be as good as the data/obs put in to it at the start of the run. I'd assume that's the hang up for making any big jumps in med-long range verification.

A "perfect" model is still going get skewed off course by the observation data put in to it.
From what I'm seeing, the ECMWF guys are feeding these models their initialization data to run them on a testing basis.. with good results.

All I know is euro is getting rid of the op runs soon, in favor of the eps and they are working on their own machine learning model based off tech of some of these good ones out there.
Going to Florida the end of February. Going to do Disney World. Keep getting a feeling we'll (mid/upper SE) score a winter storm then. Not sure how I would feel, walking around the "Most magical place on earth" while it snows back home.
Hey, I’ll be there from like the 19-25th or so
I loathe nino's...I hope we never see another one again.
Hi my name is @SD welcome to team nina. Here you will find a massive western ridge potential from December to late January and a SER in Feb. The rain snow line isn't always kind but the potential to get a massive storm is always around
It can work both ways though. When it does show something when others don't...
Your right,
Unfortunately Rain Cold's logic still stands.
How often do we actually get snow in the last 5-6 years.
Hate to have a model be so accurate it kills the thrill of the chase.