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Misc Winter Weather Support Group

We’ve had a +PNA the last week

Yeah, well you know what I mean, one with out a ridge everywhere else...other than the west coast.

Yeah, well you know what I mean, one with out a ridge everywhere else...other than the west coast.

Oh I get what you’re saying. I guess I was just saying that like the MJO, the PNA is only part of the puzzle. It is kinda funny thought that if you look at the last 6 weeks, we’ve had our warmest weather in the Carolinas when the PNA has been positive
If memory serves this is one that left about 10 inches in MBY on top of blossoming Apple, Cherry, Peach, & Plum trees.
Yes my father had all of those trees in our backyard.
My parents front yard had several Bradford Pears in it before this storm