I know that a good number here don't want to have a cold Nov because of the fear that that increases a chance to flip to mild for DJF. However,
@Webberweather53 posted that there is actually a small positive correlation between a cold Nov and cold DJF. Furthermore, the Novembers preceding the 12 coldest SE US wk to mod Nino winters since 1895 have averaged 2-3 colder than normal and include the coldest Nov. on record. Here are the 12 coldest wk to moderate Nino SE winters and the respective prior Novembers:
Year: Nov temps
2002: cold
1979: mild
1977: mild
1976: cold (coldest Nov on record preceding coldest winter on record)
1969: cold
1968: cold
1963: normal
1941: normal
1939: cold
1911: cold
1904: cold
1899: mild
So, Novembers preceding the 12 coldest SE wk to mod Nino winters were as follows: 3 mild, 2 normal, 7 cold
Average DJF anomaly of 12 coldest SE wk to mod Nino winters:
View attachment 25467
Average preceding November anomaly for 12 coldest SE wk to mod Nino winters:
View attachment 25468