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Tropical Tropical Weather Banter & Venting Thread

I hope Total Wine isn’t sold out of Modelo..that would be devistating
Total Wine sucks! Go to Greene’s! This was the Walmart little market at W Ga and standing springs! Lol pandemonium!
AL Roker just showed the heavy rainfall axis up through extreme ENC into VA! Has this guy looked at any model run today?
That’s cause he still hates TWC
I was going to wait until Thursday to fill up my car like a sane person. Then I saw lines at the gas station on the way home. So then I was forced to get gas now. The first station ran out when I was in line. I went to another one and it ran out when I was pumping the gas. I then went to a third one and filled up. Now I get to waste some of it going to work the next two days before Flo gets here.
I was going to wait until Thursday to fill up my car like a sane person. Then I saw lines at the gas station on the way home. So then I was forced to get gas now. The first station ran out when I was in line. I went to another one and it ran out when I was pumping the gas. I then went to a third one and filled up. Now I get to waste some of it going to work the next two days before Flo gets here.
Welcome to the world ... in September ... in the southeast ... ;)
It is crazy how the models change so much tracking Flo. It is the same thing with winter storms here. They can tell you something is on the way, but when it gets here the specifics are anyone's guess.
It’s going to take a hurricane to break this drought!!
Man the conspiracy theorist are out in full force today. The government orchestrated 911 and now they are creating hurricanes!
Ugh, did ya see the dude who tried to tell Levi he was wrong about Flo's current intensity? Using Ventusky, of all things? Idk why the conspiracy theorists always have to use ------ tools to try to prove smarter people "wrong".
Man the conspiracy theorist are out in full force today. The government orchestrated 911 and now they are creating hurricanes!

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So many people in Raleigh bought generators and were hoarding gas. News made it seem like this would be Fran on steroids. Now looking at partly breezy with sprinkles. :)
Since conspiracy theorist are out in full force I'll add mine, I think whoever creates the forecast models and how they operate have stock in home improvement stores and the supply of bottled water. Lol
So many people in Raleigh bought generators and were hoarding gas. News made it seem like this would be Fran on steroids. Now looking at partly breezy with sprinkles. :)

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Feels like we have been tracking Flo forever. I am over here like

lol the model arguments are classic. No one believed the GFS when it was showing a stall and now that appears to be correct and many people are dismissing the euro and its weird S/SW movement . I love weather
lol the model arguments are classic. No one believed the GFS when it was showing a stall and now that appears to be correct and many people are dismissing the euro and its weird S/SW movement . I love weather
Lol yeah people riding one model until the end. The never ending classic. Trends are trends but people denying the Euro trend even when the GFS and FV3 being similar is just laughable. There's a reason the models shift and it's called new data.
I’m not saying one model is right and one is wrong . It’s just funny how quickly jump around from model to model . Reminds me of myself in the winter lol

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We're all guilty of it from time to time....
Am I looking at the map right ? It looks to me like the NHC is forecasting Florence to make landfall on Sat as a Cat 1 or 2 ?
By the time it gets to my back yard, it’ll be drizzle, and overcast , but you can see the outline of the sun! Just like our best snow storm!
Meanwhile in the West Pacific, Super Typhoon Mangkhut is at 180 mph and has a pressure of 898 mb. The HWRF goes to town strengthening it to 205 mph with 850 mb winds of, well... 305 mph. Oh and pressure of 830 mb at the lowest.
FLo is going to still be bad, but 99% of times these hurricanes always weaken here and are not as bad as the hype they got leading up to it. Same thing for winter storms here.
State of Emergency for all counties in Georgia.
Doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe the northeast GA mtns get flooding the way it looks now unless it shifts more west.
I’m sick of tracking this sh** storm. I mean I know she hasn’t hit yet and of course I don’t want this thing to hit and rip somebody’s life apart but damn at some point you have to just wonder if there isn’t a hidden agenda embedded in our global weather models
I’m sick of tracking this sh** storm. I mean I know she hasn’t hit yet and of course I don’t want this thing to hit and rip somebody’s life apart but damn at some point you have to just wonder if there isn’t a hidden agenda embedded in our global weather models

You calling her a sh** storm means you're mad about her not staying stronger, which would have meant a better chance to rip somebody's life apart, which you "of course" don't want to happen. Sounds hypocritical to me, Mr. Hypocracy.
You calling her a sh** storm means you're mad about her not staying stronger, which would have meant a better chance to rip somebody's life apart, which you "of course" don't want to happen. Sounds hypocritical to me, Mr. Hypocracy.
I wanted it to barrel through quickly which would keep the heaviest damage localized. This coastal scraper idea is no good any way you want to look at it