Deleted member 609
Don't be a ------- pusssythat’s when it goes oppo and we blow up an account
Don't be a ------- pusssythat’s when it goes oppo and we blow up an account
Long way to go to get to 0. Also probably a long way to go to get to FV.
They still ain’t cheap, 10x sales.Long way to go to get to 0. Also probably a long way to go to get to FV.
What you thinking? Puts with a modest -90% stop loss?Don't be a ------- pusssy
All in on naked short QQQ callsWhat you thinking? Puts with a modest -90% stop loss?
RipAdded some SNAP lotto calls for tomorrow. Earnings after close. ?
I suck so bad at this.
Added some SNAP lotto calls for tomorrow. Earnings after close.
I suck so bad at this.
We all needed to hear that. ??We all do
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You’re one of us! No judgement here. Let’s get em tomorrow!
How in the hell did they let that kiss 22.66?
“Modest” indeed.What you thinking? Puts with a modest -90% stop loss?
How in the hell did they let that kiss 22.66?
Market is anti kyleWhy is SNAP selling off
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H&S background with a weekly gravestone doji...yowzaSPY weekly chart….hammer time.
If tomorrow finishes red that will be one ugly weekly.
View attachment 117566
Ugh looks flat. Better get to work.The volatility is just crazy now. If we are up over 1% tomorrow I'm buying puts at 10am. If down 1% calls at 10am. If flat, I'll work I guess.
Yes, I'm going to be a puss and put a 20% stop on.
Well that changed quicklyUgh looks flat. Better get to work.
If bulls can't hold today it's back to the lows of the year.If these levels give way the fallout will be epic. I just don’t really see that happening. But maybe