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Misc Sports Thread

3 potential clinchers today. Astros, Braves, Giants, but of those 3, only the Braves are at home.
  1. I would love to see another Braves shutout to close out the series with the Brewers, and at home as a bonus.
  2. Watching the Giants celebrate in Dodger stadium would speak for itself.
  3. ChiSox fans don't deserve anything after booing Craig Kimbrel, so an Astros win on southside turf would be poetic.
I wanted Brewers and Red Sox, I will take the Braves though especially since most of the folks around here are Braves fans so I would have folks to talk smack too :)
Even as a Braves fan, still just in shock that Yelich stared at strike 3 lol. Bruh, you were a former MVP, 2 strikes 2 outs 9th inning elimination game...and you stood there like a deer in headlights....you gotta swing at that kid. Wow. For real. That was amazing.

Go Braves
Even as a Braves fan, still just in shock that Yelich stared at strike 3 lol. Bruh, you were a former MVP, 2 strikes 2 outs 9th inning elimination game...and you stood there like a deer in headlights....you gotta swing at that kid. Wow. For real. That was amazing.

Go Braves
Freddie freeman is just pure clutch as they come … yeah hard believe Yelich ended the season with the bat on his shoulders