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Severe Severe potential April 13th-15th Palm Sunday Weekend

Bad radar range now unfortunately for a lot of the tornadic storms.
If people have links to local news outlet live streams in TX/LA/MS today, please post them for those that may be in need.
For the Shreveport area.. if you are on Facebook then like the “Todd Warren Weather” page. He’s fb live right now.

Here in Haughton we’ve been fortunate. Just heavy rain and lots of thunder. Keeping a close eye on the warm front.
Storm chaser Bob Pack reports damage as "possibly EF3" in downtown Franklin, TX. Admittedly, he says he's not a storm surveyor. Does sound like a level headed guy though. Per Weather Channel.
Rapid development and intensifying of storms in south LA and east TX.Screenshot_20190413-123741_RadarScope.jpg