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Presidential Election 2024

As too Our deficit Spending..

The entire problem is in CMS.

CMS is less than 20% funded by tax receipts and as a result you'd have to multiply the current Medicare tax by FIVE in order to bring it into fiscal balance.
That is clearly not going to happen as it would be politically impossible.

But the problem isn't that the system was originally designed out of balance as when it was designed medical care was about 3-4% of the economy; it is that it has been turned into a monstrous scam across the board, all of it wildly illegal through price-fixing and other games and since the laws being violated are felonies and have been on the books for over 100 years. The validity of this law in application to the medical, health insurance and pharmaceutical industries has been proved up at the Supreme Court more than forty years ago thus it is trivial to fix it -- indict people in size starting with doctors, hospital administrators, drug company and insurance executives. One of the games used by states to ---- the Federal Government and accelerate the deficit is to assess fees on Medicaid providers, thus driving up the total and funds granted to said state, then they rebate the "assessment" it back to who they took it from. This sort of ---- is wild-eyed accounting fraud and yet it is utterly commonplace. So is the crazy cost-shift done by Biden during the last year to prevent a over 100% price-spike in Medicare Part D, all occasioned by "deciding" to pay for insanely expensive and dubiously-safe-and-wildly-permanent things that force people into lifetime dependence like Ozempic.

Further, the direct inflationary impact of this deficit spending cannot be avoided due to the destruction of trade sequestration that will not come back in the short term (caused by the Ukraine war related sanctions) and is probably gone forever because economies and trade abhor vacuums and alternatives have already been established.

There is little or no reason to believe that privilege we used to have will ever be restored since we've proved we cannot be trusted at our word and thus just like Jimmy Carter permanently ruined the nuclear fuel reprocessing industry via an Executive Order that Reagan rescinded on the first day, yet here we are more than 20 years later with no commercial reprocessing, the trade sequestration must be considered permanently gone as well. That's a solid $100 billion+ a year, and perhaps two or three times that much, in deficit spending every single year we didn't have to pay for in inflation but now we do and will forevermore have to into the future.

That change, which we did to ourselves, means that every dollar of deficit spending is immediately inflationary to the United States economy. So if you want to have a 2% inflation rate in the US you must not have more than a real 2% deficit ex productivity on a cash basis, which is not going to happen in real terms when you pay out 200% of last years hospital CMS payments October-over-October and a roughly 57% comparable-month increase across CMS as a whole -- which we just did!

I understand that so-called "entitlements" are third rail of politics. But just like politicians always conflate Social Security (which is easy to fix) with Medicare and Medicaid (which isn't, as the grift is in the latter and not the former) only Medicaid is an "entitlement", that is to say WELFARE in that the other two you paid for during your working life. Further, fixing it does not require refusing to cover what people paid for and while changing what Medicaid is ought to be done, as I've outlined, because you can provide indigent Americans with superior access to health care without it we can fix the problem in CMS immediately by removing the fraud, theft, and other outrageously felonious behavior without refusing to honor the agreement Americans entered into.

You can huff, puff and chin-wag all you want but the facts are what they are. The entire problem forcing the deficit higher resides in CMS and it is occurring on an exponential basis -- it is not Social Security. Yes, discretionary spending is also out of control but cutting discretionary spending back (and we must) will not resolve the issue; you must dismantle the medical monopolists and only the threat of hard prison time, which incidentally 15 USC Ch 1 already provides for and thus there are no new laws required, will do the job and it must be done immediately, not over 4 years or worse, into the next term after Trump leaves office.

We are out of time and must deal with this problem now.
I don’t think anyone can read this either the constant flipping between bold, italic, caps and regular font. Please fix.
Sore losers and an outright attack on democracy. The voters spoke and voted for who they wanted to lead and the gop can't handle that so they are changing the rules like little -----
Well we voted for those Rs in the legislature to their job aswell. It’s not unconstitutional so seems to me it’s all good. DeMoCraCy is doing its job.
I'm down in Tampa these next two days and it reminds me that this County that Tampa is in along with St Pete voted Republican.. anybody that says Trump voters are nothing but rednecks are very ignorant.
You dont have to be dirt poor and redneck to be ignorant... geez.... wat an ignorant assumption you have there