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Political Thread

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Honestly you'd probably be better off in a country that provides healthcare and college (or trade) opportunities to it's citizens for "free" (yes I know it's not free). Instead you're stuck in a dead end job with 3 kids and are one hospital bill from bankruptcy. But at least you have you're freedom?

You’re kinda acting like a ----, TBH.
I am not sure you can compare them. One is an insurance company and does not run hospitals like the other. Think about it. But, socialized anything, is not for profit.
No profit = no firing and laziness
No firing = poor performance, poor service, and poor financial responsibility
Examples- Russian's bread lines in the 90's. Venezuela's underperfoming oil sector and food shortags. Cuba's just recent food shortages. Seems like a repeating theme. Just take a look at the bread alise of a Walmart. A plethora of choices. Note: two of these socialist countries are AMAZINGLY wealth with natural resources. It is human nature for people to be lazy, and, socialism magnifys it.
I get that, but insurance companies don't provide healthcare. They just middleman the money in the form of premiums and payout less. What is the purpose of that for healthcare.
There is no way the UN is coming for your guns.
Probably not but if America descends into a war inside itself. It would be no different than when America goes into other countries to clean up. I’m sure Russia or China would love the opportunity along with the UN. We can never say never.
You go ahead and bow down. I’m not. I’m going down surrounded by empty brass. Better to die standing than live in your knees. I’m sure most of you know how well I’m prepared with brass and things to throw brass.
Is it bad I want to hug you for that comment ???
Well, he would be in the same boat in Cuba, except he has chance to improve over time.
That’s exactly it. When socialism takes over, those hopes, dreams, and aspirations to really make something of yourself vanish. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it is by far the best thing out there.
Totally agree. I would stand beside you and fight with you. America and freedom first!

Good luck to him!! She was held to the same standard as the men. She got through Robin Sage and earned her tab. Good for her.
Yeah I have a lot of emotions about it right now. He is as prepared as you can possibly be and determined to make it so well see. By the time his prep schools and indoc are over next year he will be a summer BUDS class so thats a "tad" less suckier than going through hell week in the winter. If Im not mistaken a female made it through SEAL officer screening last year which is impressive so maybe thats coming next. I have no doubt there are females who could handle most of BUDS first phase but the log PT, surf passage and hell week would be brutal. The 30 year old me, no way in hell would I be cool with it. The 50 year old me? If she can make it through the same torture I did, Hooyah! Especially if she looks like Demi ;-)
FWIW, getting shot at and shot sucks ass. It’s not for everyone. Personal experience.
I appreciate your sacrifice for me and my family. I have many close friends retired military. I hope to never experience it nor my family. Always hoping for best but am ready to defend the nation I love America and my family.
Yeah I have a lot of emotions about it right now. He is as prepared as you can possibly be and determined to make it so well see. By the time his prep schools and indoc are over next year he will be a summer BUDS class so thats a "tad" less suckier than going through hell week in the winter. If Im not mistaken a female made it through SEAL officer screening last year which is impressive so maybe thats coming next. I have no doubt there are females who could handle most of BUDS first phase but the log PT, surf passage and hell week would be brutal. The 30 year old me, no way in hell would I be cool with it. The 50 year old me? If she can make it through the same torture I did, Hooyah! Especially if she looks like Demi ;-)

Man, I was physically fit when I went through basic. 6’2”, 190lbs. I understand that I could do the physical. It’s getting that mental thing down. I don’t give up because I’m hard headed. Could I have been a SEAL? No idea. I’m just dumb enough to not know when to quit. But then again, who knows. I didn’t try it and don’t know how I would have fared. You did. You made it. You made it a career. That’s impressive. Silent professional. Bravo Zulu.
I appreciate your sacrifice for me and my family. I have many close friends retired military. I hope to never experience it nor my family. Always hoping for best but am ready to defend the nation I love America and my family.

[mention]Sandbar [/mention]is someone who spent a lot of time down range. He made a hell of a lot more sacrifices than me. Both him and I gave up parts of our bodies for Uncle Sam, but he was in the sandbox a looooong time. As the first born of immigrant parents, I had to serve. I felt it was my duty. Hurts like hell to get out of bed every morning and limp around half the day, but it was worth it. Two back surgeries (3rd is needed) two complete knee reconstructions plus six knee arthroscopies and nerve damage down both legs. Wouldn’t change a damn thing.
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