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Political Thread

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BREAKING: President Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Sentence

Hey man , your last sentence hit home for me . My dad is similar to you, I grew up in a household like that. I know the struggles .

Way I always described it as this, you are in a hole and every time you try to climb out of the hole you fall back in and it’s even deeper than before . I know hard work man trust me! I know what it’s like coming down to the last dollar , wearing one pair of shoes for the entire year and they had to last the whole year etc etc . You can make it out .

COVID 19 hit me hard. I was about to get a permanent job with school district good benefits. It was temp to perm. Then they froze hiring. And I lost it completely but I’m about to start detailing cars at enterprise 10.40hr it’s not much but it’s something. Thanks for the kind words. My kids my wife are my world I’m happy I’m blessed. I’ll always work and fight to support them thanks for your kind words

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COVID 19 hit me hard. I was about to get a permanent job with school district good benefits. It was temp to perm. Then they froze hiring. And I lost it completely but I’m about to start detailing cars at enterprise 10.40hr it’s not much but it’s something. Thanks for the kind words. My kids my wife are my world I’m happy I’m blessed. I’ll always work and fight to support them thanks for your kind words

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Hey you dont stop trying to provide for your family and I have never heard you make an excuse. You always seem to be positive and count your blessings. Thats what makes a man to me. Tip of the hat sir!
I believe if there is ever one. It will be whites and blacks and Hispanics against one another. Pretty much a war of patriots vs liberals/socialist. I would expect it to be a lot of whites vs blacks. They would call in UN troops just like if they were to ever go after guns. Sounds crazy to think it could happen but history does usually repeat itself in some manner. Like did anyone really think we would see the lawlessness we have seen and defunding police? Did anyone ever see whites being called white privileged? Told in some cities that being white is wrong? Did anyone see cities and politicians saying there needs to be reparations to blacks? That blacks should get free health care? That blacks go to school before whites in Seattle? I did say America was not invincible and was laughed at about it. Laugh again. All it takes is a couple of white supremacy idiots to start shooting and look out. Riots will be worse and then rise of vigilantes . Every civilization has its point of enough.
No one thought Pearl Harbor or 9/11 could happen.

There is no way the UN is coming for your guns.
Question for someone who is more knowledgeable than me... what benefit do health insurance companies provide to consumers? They profit 30 billion+ per year. I get the benefit to shareholders (my 401k is partially in health insurance). But what efficiencies do they bring vs socialized healthcare? I feel like they just middle man profit to shareholders and executives.
I am not sure you can compare them. One is an insurance company and does not run hospitals like the other. Think about it. But, socialized anything, is not for profit.
No profit = no firing and laziness
No firing = poor performance, poor service, and poor financial responsibility
Examples- Russian's bread lines in the 90's. Venezuela's underperfoming oil sector and food shortags. Cuba's just recent food shortages. Seems like a repeating theme. Just take a look at the bread alise of a Walmart. A plethora of choices. Note: two of these socialist countries are AMAZINGLY wealth with natural resources. It is human nature for people to be lazy, and, socialism magnifys it.
A majority of the socialist are white, there is zero chance of a race war. If there was a civil war because of guns being taken by the government, the government would win

I believe you’re wrong. Government would have a hard time enforcing that. Especially with so many members of the armed forces that would refuse to follow that order.
COVID 19 hit me hard. I was about to get a permanent job with school district good benefits. It was temp to perm. Then they froze hiring. And I lost it completely but I’m about to start detailing cars at enterprise 10.40hr it’s not much but it’s something. Thanks for the kind words. My kids my wife are my world I’m happy I’m blessed. I’ll always work and fight to support them thanks for your kind words

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Slowly learn to do it on the side and make good money. Key word- side money
Hey you dont stop trying to provide for your family and I have never heard you make an excuse. You always seem to be positive and count your blessings. Thats what makes a man to me. Tip of the hat sir!

Sometimes blessings isn’t the stuff you have or amount of money. It’s family it’s time spent making memories and it’s happiness. I know a lot of people on the board despise me. But hey I’m alright with that I wouldn’t trade what I have for nothing. Reason I’m Republican is I do not believe the Democratic agenda. Is the one that is best for the future of my kids and there generation in general. Crime no police no freedom isn’t the America there generation deserves.

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If the government came to take them I would. I don't have tanks,drones,jets,air craft carriers or nukes

You go ahead and bow down. I’m not. I’m going down surrounded by empty brass. Better to die standing than live in your knees. I’m sure most of you know how well I’m prepared with brass and things to throw brass.
1. Healthy people pay for the sickest.
2.People have less financial incentive to stay healthy.
3. Long wait times.
4. Doctors may cut care to lower costs.
5.Health care costs overwhelm government budgets.
6. The government may limit services that have a low probability of success.
7. Can’t pick your doctor.
That’s just a few I found.
Add to that wait times to have elective surgeries. In Canada it can be over a year for knee replacements. Which means more time on unemployment or medical leave.
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