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Political Thread

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The idea that polls are always biased and always wrong is a bad take. Can Trump still win in November? Absolutely. There are 4 months to go. That's a lot of time and many many news cycles. But to say that he is in a good spot right now just isn't true.

Cherry-picking one poll from some conservative site when the national polling average from good pollsters is Biden 9-12 is also a yikes.

If you want to read up on polling accuracy over the years - https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-polls-are-all-right/

Spoiler: 2016 was a perfect storm where state polling missed by 4-6 points in key states that tipped the election to Trump. But the polls haven't gotten more biased or worse over time. That 2016 error isn't far from an average miss. I don't think anyone from Trump's campaign would be comfortable with where they stand today.
The primaries told me everything I needed to know about November. For Trump to turn those numbers out in those early states with no challenger and based on the enthusiasm I am seeing across the country now. The debates are coming and if Biden slips even in the slightest he is toast. Anger isnt enough to win this
Matthew dont take offense to this but you know exactly what you are going to get at this point. EXACTLY! Its your vote but basedon your posting history I cant put my finger on it. Tou seem to change your mind every 15 minutes.....its really odd
No offense at all sir. Trump has my vote but again 4 months to go. Just like polls. Up and down. I agree this election is about Capitalism and Socialism. I have said that many times. But Trumps tactics are wearing on me. I think many people are like me. This election is ever changing. Both candidates suck. Maybe I’m hoping a true 3rd party comes forward and not Kayne??‍♂️. Maybe Biden will shock us all and chose a great vp. Is there really anything wrong with not be certain of who we’re voting for?
No offense at all sir. Trump has my vote but again 4 months to go. Just like polls. Up and down. I agree this election is about Capitalism and Socialism. I have said that many times. But Trumps tactics are wearing on me. I think many people are like me. This election is ever changing. Both candidates suck. Maybe I’m hoping a true 3rd party comes forward and not Kayne. Maybe Biden will shock us all and chose a great vp. Is there really anything wrong with not be certain of who we’re voting for?

Who karmela Harris or stacy Abrams lol

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No offense at all sir. Trump has my vote but again 4 months to go. Just like polls. Up and down. I agree this election is about Capitalism and Socialism. I have said that many times. But Trumps tactics are wearing on me. I think many people are like me. This election is ever changing. Both candidates suck. Maybe I’m hoping a true 3rd party comes forward and not Kayne??‍♂️. Maybe Biden will shock us all and chose a great vp. Is there really anything wrong with not be certain of who we’re voting for?
If many people are this confused then yeah, thats pretty frightening. You've had 4 years of Donald Trump and it is what it is. You have either prospered or you havent. Joe Biden has been there 45 years and hasnt done a GD thing. I wouldn't be getting inspired by any VP pick. If it comes to that the country is in deep deep doo doo.....

Yeah they are actual pollsters with a track record we can quantify, what you did is literally cherry picked one of the few good polls out there for Trump from a group that is a far right blog site more or less with a unscientific poll because it said something you liked in the face of overwhelming polling suggesting Trump is getting curb stomped.

Then you fall back on the Clinton/Trump polls because its all you have.....
Yeah they are actual pollsters with a track record we can quantify, what you did is literally cherry picked one of the few good polls out there for Trump from a group that is a far right blog site more or less with a unscientific poll because it said something you liked in the face of overwhelming polling suggesting Trump is getting curb stomped.

Then you fall back on the Clinton/Trump polls because its all you have.....

Track record? Trump WINS Hillary LOSES. Interesting track record.
Your evidence that polls suck is a Clinton +4% poll when she won the popular by 2.1%? Seems to me like that's a pretty good poll.

Yeah this, Trump folks think Trump won big in 2016, Trump literally won by the slimmest of margins.....he lost the popular vote and edged out a win in the rust belt by fewer than 75k votes over 3 states.....all indications are that the independents and women and hell lots of Republicans are leaving Trump in droves.....but hey that silent majority will show up and Trump will win by a landslide.....
Yeah they are actual pollsters with a track record we can quantify, what you did is literally cherry picked one of the few good polls out there for Trump from a group that is a far right blog site more or less with a unscientific poll because it said something you liked in the face of overwhelming polling suggesting Trump is getting curb stomped.

Then you fall back on the Clinton/Trump polls because its all you have.....
All I have? So what do you have? The same old tired polls gaslighting people just like they did in 2016. At least I have the reality of a Trump win.
Major polling firms couldn't find Trump's support when thousands showed up at stadiums across the country while Hillary couldn't fill a bathroom. I believe they will once again have the same challenge and intent.
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