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Political Thread

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If these numbers are even close to accurate come Nov Trump will lose bigly......

"In the newest poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos’ Knowledge Panel, Trump's approval rating on his job dealing with the coronavirus dropped another rung, driven by plunging support among independents and even waning support among Republicans. Democrats have always been highly skeptical.

Trump's approval among independents lands at 26% in the survey, a sharp drop from 40% in mid-June, the last time the question was asked. Trump's disapproval among independents has risen to 73%, up from 59% in the June poll."
I’ll say this if Trump loses. America doesn’t care about riots and law and order. And if that’s the case that’s very sad!

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If these numbers are even close to accurate come Nov Trump will lose bigly......

"In the newest poll, which was conducted by Ipsos in partnership with ABC News using Ipsos’ Knowledge Panel, Trump's approval rating on his job dealing with the coronavirus dropped another rung, driven by plunging support among independents and even waning support among Republicans. Democrats have always been highly skeptical.

Trump's approval among independents lands at 26% in the survey, a sharp drop from 40% in mid-June, the last time the question was asked. Trump's disapproval among independents has risen to 73%, up from 59% in the June poll."

How about this new poll.

"Worse still is Mr Biden’s mental health after some stumbling performances and public concerns that he may be suffering from the early stages of dementia have also had an impact.

According to the poll 55 percent believe he is suffering from cognitive problems and 44 percent say that it means they are less likely to vote for him while 58 percent think aged 77 he is too old to be President."

How about this new poll.

"Worse still is Mr Biden’s mental health after some stumbling performances and public concerns that he may be suffering from the early stages of dementia have also had an impact.

According to the poll 55 percent believe he is suffering from cognitive problems and 44 percent say that it means they are less likely to vote for him while 58 percent think aged 77 he is too old to be President."

People are stupid. Biden speaks with more sense than Trump ever has. Also do they not know Trump's age? If Biden is too old for them, Trump should be too.
Well you are going to have those things regardless of who gets elected...…..
Exactly and if liberals win house and senate. Then a republican will not win White House for many elections. We will become a one party nation due to the 22 million illegals that will be granted amnesty. Not one person here can say we will not become a socialist nation once the liberals take over which some on here want. It will definitely be different and I hope we do not turn out like other socialist nations have. So no complaining if we become a socialist nation from those that want it. This has nothing to do with Biden he is just a puppet. His VP choice will be the key Of what he really is.
Exactly and if liberals win house and senate. Then a republican will not win White House for many elections. We will become a one party nation due to the 22 million illegals that will be granted amnesty. Not one person here can say we will not become a socialist nation once the liberals take over which some on here want. It will definitely be different and I hope we do not turn out like other socialist nations have. So no complaining if we become a socialist nation from those that want it. This has nothing to do with Biden he is just a puppet. His VP choice will be the key Of what he really is.
Okay I'm going to remind you that you said this the next time you say you're going to vote 3rd party and that you're not voting for Trump or Biden. Ha
People are stupid. Biden speaks with more sense than Trump ever has. Also do they not know Trump's age? If Biden is too old for them, Trump should be too.

What would be stupid. is people voting for a candidate. who wants to defund police like Biden.

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Okay I'm going to remind you that you said this the next time you say you're going to vote 3rd party and that you're not voting for Trump or Biden. Ha
I’m not saying I will not vote for Biden. His VP choice will be the key. I will vote for a third-party if they have a good chance of winning and we were not being threatened with liberals taking over.
Exactly and if liberals win house and senate. Then a republican will not win White House for many elections. We will become a one party nation due to the 22 million illegals that will be granted amnesty. Not one person here can say we will not become a socialist nation once the liberals take over which some on here want. It will definitely be different and I hope we do not turn out like other socialist nations have. So no complaining if we become a socialist nation from those that want it. This has nothing to do with Biden he is just a puppet. His VP choice will be the key Of what he really is.

Yeah, and we know who they will vote for....Santa Clause and the liberals that give them our money, and yes could spell the end of Capitalism and the freedom we have to make the best of our talents and abilities in the marketplace.
I’m not saying I will not vote for Biden. His VP choice will be the key. I will vote for a third-party if they have a good chance of winning and we were not being threatened with liberals taking over.

I like the Ron Paul types. He recognizes our debt, devaluing dollar, and its future implications. However, he never gained much traction as there are too many voters that receive benefits. He will never get the liberal squad and leftist republicans. Wish people would've gave him more consideration.
You flip flop a lot.

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I have not flip-flopped I have been very steady on Not saying who I am voting for. Right now Trump has the lead but who knows he may not even make it till November. Biden also. There is so much time between now and the election how could anyone be for certain who they’re voting. We have debates still to hopefully see. That’s why I don’t understand your obsession with polls at this time. They mean nothing. If Biden was to pick let’s say a conservative as his vp? Would you seriously not consider him? If Trump does something really crazy would you really still vote for him? We have four months to see what all happens. The way 2020 has been that is a lifetime.
Not hard to see why Trump has dipped in the polls significantly. The worse COVID-19 gets again the lower he's going to drop. It's obvious he is trying to shift the narrative away from the virus.


Polls absolutely mean nothing. They are all bias and history shows from many past elections never trust them.
lol which one of you demmy libs is going to pay my part?

I have not flip-flopped I have been very steady on Not saying who I am voting for. Right now Trump has the lead but who knows he may not even make it till November. Biden also. There is so much time between now and the election how could anyone be for certain who they’re voting. We have debate still to hopefully see. That’s why I don’t understand your obsession with polls at this time. They mean nothing. If Biden was to pick let’s say a conservative as his bp? Would you seriously not consider him? If Trump does something really crazy would you really still vote for him? We have four months to see what all happens. The way 2020 has been that is a lifetime.

Biden will pick a far left black female. Most likely. Only way I don’t vote Trump is if the November election is cancelled. I won’t rule that out. But to me this election comes down to law and order and the safety of America. A socialist far left America is a dangerous America. Even you have said something similar

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