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Political Thread

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Yeah, you're right, saying you're sexually attracted to your daughter is not really that creepy. Even doing so when she was just 13 is still no biggie. I was too much of a prude. Everyone does this. Never mind. So, go ahead and play the creepy Joe card.
Did trump really say that?

????? that is very hurtful LOL. She did not even have a conversation she was like it’s my way or the highway. That is called a one-sided belief in a conversation. Morons.

She’s so ignorant that she doesn’t understand that “All lives” encompasses “black lives”. These people are just race baiters.

Mostly references comments made on The Howard Stern Show and on The View
I’m thinking I saw that he did just interesting from those two definitely liberal shows. But not surprising any politician these days are sickos. To me choosing the president is not about who is more creepy. It is what there policies are. Capitalism or Socialism. Bottom line is the hate for Trump is real hatred and viscous ugliness. I’m sure when Biden wins it will be karma. It’s always full circle.
Say hello to your new Big Boy mascot. These are important issues that are going to make people’s lives better. Trust the process ?

I think both my daughters are 10s. What father doesn’t think his kids aren’t beautiful? Joe on the other hand touches little girls in a creepy fashion. Joes still more creepy by a lot.
My mom told me how good-looking I was all the time, probably too much growing up! Haha

It’s not going to stop. They will make it where any history or beliefs is wrong and hate speech. I would love to take that air horn and shove up his arse. That’s what it’s going to take to get this lost generation of degenerates to respect everyone.
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