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Political Thread

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That stuff is why that if I had a gun to my head and was told to vote Trump or Biden, I would choose Trump because while I dislike Trump. The idea of giving the left any more power than they already have now is terrifying.
One thing Trump has always said that makes a ton of sense. The left is coming after US (Conservative middle America). He is just getting in their way.....Its 100% true and something to take into consideration
As for the comment earlier that China produces all the viruses because they have a Billion people, you might want to check out India's population. The court ruling today was a mixed bag, it struck down the House attempt as a seperation of powers issue and thus denied them the right to exert control over the Executive branch even during oversight. The NY DA ruling on the surface is a defeat for Trump because of the specious claim by his legal team that a President can never be held accountable. Nixon tried it and it did not work then either
At the same time, the purpose of all these lawsuits by Democrats was to get Trump's tax return before the election in the hope there was something damaging in them. That now will not happen since the case was remanded back to District Court (the original ruling of the Court of Appeals) and it will take many months, if not years, to get his tax returns. Oh they will likely eventually get them but too late for their purposes of getting them some more damaging stuff (if there is any in there) prior to the November elections
As for the comment earlier that China produces all the viruses because they have a Billion people, you might want to check out India's population. The court ruling today was a mixed bag, it struck down the House attempt as a seperation of powers issue and thus denied them the right to exert control over the Executive branch even during oversight. The NY DA ruling on the surface is a defeat for Trump because of the specious claim by his legal team that a President can never be held accountable. Nixon tried it and it did not work then either
At the same time, the purpose of all these lawsuits by Democrats was to get Trump's tax return before the election in the hope there was something damaging in them. That now will not happen since the case was remanded back to District Court (the original ruling of the Court of Appeals) and it will take many months, if not years, to get his tax returns. Oh they will likely eventually get them but too late for their purposes of getting them some more damaging stuff (if there is any in there) prior to the November elections
They should try winning the election the old fashioned way with a better policy. I guess we know the answer to that......
That stuff is why that if I had a gun to my head and was told to vote Trump or Biden, I would choose Trump because while I dislike Trump. The idea of giving the left any more power than they already have now is terrifying.

If I had a gun to my head and the choice were Trump and Biden with Biden being lead around by the libs, I'd tell him to go ahead and shoot me to put me out of my misery lol.
It should be fine for me to paint "Abortion is Murder" on the street in front of a Planned Parenthood facility right? Tear down their signs, break a few windows...... I mean it's just a protest to protect innocent lives from brutality. I don't see the issue
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