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Political Thread

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At least acknowledge that you understand why we despise the left side of the aisle so much. Stuff like this. Protests “played no role in spreading coronavirus” yet DEFINITIVELY the Trump rally did.

These people. Man, these people. They’re disgusting.

Jessy let it be. You are trying to change people’s minds like you are trying to sale Christianity. They have to come to see it for themselves. Which that is what makes America great. Freedom to choose and have opinions. Also stop watching those false prophets preachers videos!
Shaggy you have a true hate for an individual that like someone said can not be healthy. We all have people we don’t like but you seem to be letting it consume you.

Yall think it consumes me but it doesnt.

If anything consumes me its sadness of what the GOP has become, that people will trade an economy over lives, that people will trade an economy over what our country stands for while turning a blind eye to a charlatan a con man.

Good men forgetting what good men stood for.
Jessy let it be. You are trying to change people’s minds like you are trying to sale Christianity. They have to come to see it for themselves. Which that is what makes America great. Freedom to choose and have opinions. Also stop watching those false prophets preachers videos!
Shaggy you have a true hate for an individual that like someone said can not be healthy. We all have people we don’t like but you seem to be letting it consume you.

The dream videos. Can I just say parts is already happening. Riots crime and fighting. Isn’t it easy to believe this can escalate as the election approach’s? Yeah I’ve stocked up ammo because I’m honestly scared we are at the brink of war over this racial divide. I don’t see it getting better sorry but I just don’t.

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Yall think it consumes me but it doesnt.

If anything consumes me its sadness of what the GOP has become, that people will trade an economy over lives, that people will trade an economy over what our country stands for while turning a blind eye to a charlatan a con man.

Good men forgetting what good men stood for.
I can assure you that the Republican party is just fine.... and will be for at least 4 more years. The Democratic party is the one that is in shambles right now.
At least acknowledge that you understand why we despise the left side of the aisle so much. Stuff like this. Protests “played no role in spreading coronavirus” yet DEFINITIVELY the Trump rally did.

These people. Man, these people. They’re disgusting.

Yes the double standard is disgusting. Both events likely attributed to surges in their own ways. A rally it would be easier to catch since there's a lot of close contact and you're stuck in one place. Protesters at least move around in some cases. Both should be condemned in their own ways for creating massive instances or spreading the virus.
The dream videos. Can I just say parts is already happening. Riots crime and fighting. Isn’t it easy to believe this can escalate as the election approach’s? Yeah I’ve stocked up ammo because I’m honestly scared we are at the brink of war over this racial divide. I don’t see it getting better sorry but I just don’t.

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As I've said to others, fear is our biggest enemy. Don't let it overcome you.
I can assure you that the Republican party is just fine.... and will be for at least 4 more years. The Democratic party is the one that is in shambles right now.

I'm guessing you are not watching any of the videos I've linked where lifelong Republicans are vowing never to vote for GOP again because of the trump wing of the party?
The dream videos. Can I just say parts is already happening. Riots crime and fighting. Isn’t it easy to believe this can escalate as the election approach’s? Yeah I’ve stocked up ammo because I’m honestly scared we are at the brink of war over this racial divide. I don’t see it getting better sorry but I just don’t.

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Well if Bible is right then yes it will get worse. Looking at NYC and all that is happening you could be right. Just do best you can and try and stay positive. Of course realistic positive which is me.
The dream videos. Can I just say parts is already happening. Riots crime and fighting. Isn’t it easy to believe this can escalate as the election approach’s? Yeah I’ve stocked up ammo because I’m honestly scared we are at the brink of war over this racial divide. I don’t see it getting better sorry but I just don’t.

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??? Sanders and Biden now that would be something to see. A remake of Two grumpy old men! ??? Everytime I see Sanders I think of that commercial free free free!
I'm guessing you are not watching any of the videos I've linked where lifelong Republicans are vowing never to vote for GOP again because of the trump wing of the party?

Whereas I fully understand them saying they’ll not vote for Trump (just like is the case for me), I think saying they’ll never vote for GOP again is an overreaction and silly. If someone more moderate like Kasich, Rubio, or Haley were to be the 2024 nominee, they wouldn’t vote GOP? I don’t believe them. And if they wouldn’t, that is dumb/being a baby. Who else do they plan to vote for? I could see possibly Biden in 2020 if he maintains being moderate as opposed to succumbing to the libs. Surely, they wouldn’t a lib Dem in 2024+, right? Them voting lib would mean they’re totally discarding their previous positions.

Parties evolve just like they have been doing. The GOP could easily come back toward the middle.
Whereas I fully understand them saying they’ll not vote for Trump (just like is the case for me), I think saying they’ll never vote for GOP again is an overreaction and silly. If someone more moderate like Kasich, Rubio, or Haley were to be the 2024 nominee, they wouldn’t vote GOP? I don’t believe them. And if they wouldn’t, that is dumb/being a baby. Who else do they plan to vote for? I could see possibly Biden in 2020 if he maintains being moderate as opposed to succumbing to the libs. Surely, they wouldn’t a lib Dem in 2024+, right? Them voting lib would mean they’re totally discarding their previous positions.

Parties evolve just like they have been doing. The GOP could easily come back toward the middle.

I agree. The problem is so many current GOP members in power rode his coattails and kissed his butt so even if trump is removed perhaps they see the leftover trumpers as still a threat. Indont agree with that line of thinking myself. As of right now all.things remaining somewhat level between nowand November I'll vote biden then straight R down ballot.
Crushing ad by the RVAT group. No commentator just Lindsey grahams own words against trump and his admiration for Biden.

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