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Political Thread

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Schools must open in some form. Maybe alternating days or something. Some kids don’t do well taking classes online. Hybrid schooling would work

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Tell that to the teachers who have kids... either go to school or online classes. Here once you chose online you can’t switch back etc... kids need to go to school and parents need to work. I’m not worried about my kids. The school are setting some good safety processes for the start.
It was a press conference about Nascar because that is all the fake news media asked questions about. When did WH Press Secretary Kayleigh mention Nascar in her briefing? She talked about the real issues at hand, one being the spike of black on black crime! How about that mic drop at the end? The fake news took the bait on President's Trump tweet about Bubba!!
Why did Trump choose to be a racist (again) and encourage the confederate flag to remain at NASCAR races by tweeting about it? Why did he make up some bullcrap about NASCAR having record low ratings when they’re up over 8%? Oh but it’s the media’s fault... right
Schools must open in some form. Maybe alternating days or something. Some kids don’t do well taking classes online. Hybrid schooling would work

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Hybrid is the best way to go at this point. Cut the amount of kids in the school for part of the day or week so distancing can be possible. For those who don't want to send their kids in, they should have online classes as an option.
Hybrid is the best way to go at this point. Cut the amount of kids in the school for part of the day or week so distancing can be possible. For those who don't want to send their kids in, they should have online classes as an option.

Absolutely agree. It’s certain groups that really needs at least limited face to face. Special needs learning disability etc. hybrid at this point in my opinion is the answer.

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Our younger generations are very weak
On the other hand, saying things like this is why "Ok boomer is a thing". Generation divide sucks. Also, who's fault is it that they're weaker in your opinion? If the child is weak, instead of blaming it on the education or political environment or social media blame it on the parents. They're the most influential people in a child's life.
Why did Trump choose to be a racist (again) and encourage the confederate flag to remain at NASCAR races by tweeting about it? Why did he make up some bullcrap about NASCAR having record low ratings when they’re up over 8%? Oh but it’s the media’s fault... right
Once again not wanting to discuss any of the real issues at hand. So terrible that the 8-year olds life from ATL doesn't mater.
Because Bubba milked it for attention when he knew it wasn’t actually a noose. He may have not initially reported it, but he played it out over a garage pull down.
Yeah even after the FBI came to their conclusion he kept saying “It was a noose” on the airwaves.

He absolutely needs to apologize.

it was a Noose. Did you not see the rope? It wasn’t left for him but to say it was not a noose is not correct.
On the other hand, saying things like this is why "Ok boomer is a thing". Generation divide sucks. Also, who's fault is it that they're weaker in your opinion? If the child is weak, instead of blaming it on the education or political environment or social media blame it on the parents. They're the most influential people in a child's life.
I 100% blame the education system. Colleges mainly. I’m 32 so I’m sort of old enough now where I can detach myself from these young weaklings ?
On the other hand, saying things like this is why "Ok boomer is a thing". Generation divide sucks. Also, who's fault is it that they're weaker in your opinion? If the child is weak, instead of blaming it on the education or political environment or social media blame it on the parents. They're the most influential people in a child's life.
Kids spend more times at school and influenced by the media than their parents now a days.
On the other hand, saying things like this is why "Ok boomer is a thing". Generation divide sucks. Also, who's fault is it that they're weaker in your opinion? If the child is weak, instead of blaming it on the education or political environment or social media blame it on the parents. They're the most influential people in a child's life.
I attended the University of South Carolina during the 2008 presidential race and in EVERY single classroom it was one big Obama love affair. Every professor I had was on a political mission to persuade and dissuade their young impressionable students. I didn’t have one conservative professor..not one. This was at the University Of South Carolina...in 2008...I can only imagine how much worse it is now.
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