Round Oak Weather
I’m a big believer in states rights and one of those big issues is and was same sex marriage and abortion. I believe it should have been left up to the states and the people of those states to decide if it should be allowed not to a Supreme Court justice. It seems like now that is beginning to lean into guns. If certain states want to ban assault rifles so be it but the federal government shouldn’t be able to enforce it on a majority of a state that doesn’t want it.The reason I brought it up is a guy in have a long posting history with made a thread yesterday and right away just showed his hypocrisy to such an absurd level to me. I refrained from bringing it up because I know he isnt changing his mind. He despises this mask order and rants about "freedom of choice".
He is a religious right trump was sent by god types. Freedom of choice only applies to him.
If I wanted the choice to smoke MJ he would say no, to have a doctor help me end my life in the face of devastating diagnoses, no way, abortion.......forget about it, someones choice to marry have that.
When I see so much hypocrisy......and the left is just as guilty then I cant for the life me see a way for us to unite.
Hypocrisy on those levels breeds division i guess is how I view it.